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6th CERN Baltic Group General Meeting



Toms Torims (Riga Technical University (LV))

The General Meeting is a formal body on information exchange, decision and policy making to reach aims and goals of the CBG stated below:

The mission of the CBG is to coordinate policy and actions related to high energy particle physics and accelerator technologies (inter alia big data and computing technologies) within the scientific institutions and universities of the Baltic States and vis a vis CERN.

The main objectives of the CERN Baltic Group are:

  1. Coordination of the Baltic research institutions activities towards CERN and related Collaborations/Experiments;
  2. Strengthening and development of Baltic High Energy Physics community;
  3. Foster cooperation between CERN and local industry in the Baltic States and generate new opportunities via joint research projects and contacts;
  4. Development of the Baltic international multidisciplinary masters/doctoral level study programme in High Energy Physics and Accelerator Technologies, and related areas.

The main principles of the CERN Baltic Group are: transparency, honesty, sharing and collaboration.


For video-conferencing we will be using ZOOM (details below):
Auto-join URL:
Meeting ID: 977 1853 4280
Passcode: CBG_2020


  • Aija Ruse
  • Andrius Juodagalvis
  • Aurelijus Rinkevicius
  • Bernardas Satkovskis
  • Brigita Abakeviciene
  • Christoph Schaefer
  • Dalia Satkovskiene
  • Diana Adliene
  • Fjodor Sergejev
  • Jevgenijs Proskurins
  • Kalvis Kravalis
  • Lauris Bisenieks
  • Marcis Auzinsh
  • Marcis Auzinsh
  • Mario Kadastik
  • Renno Veinthal
  • Saulius Mickevicius
  • Stefan Groote
  • Toms Torims
  • Triin Kangro
  • Vahur Zadin
  • Viesturs Veckalns
RTU Center of High Energy Physics and Accelerator Technologies
    • 10:00 10:10
      Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda 10m
      Speakers: Toms Torims (Riga Technical University), All representatives
    • 10:10 10:25
      Latest update regarding CERN activities related to Baltics 15m
      Speaker: Prof. Christoph Schaefer (CERN)
    • 10:25 10:45
      Update on CERN Baltic Physics Teachers programme. On-line activities and future events. 20m
      Speaker: Jeff Wiener (CERN)
    • 10:45 11:40
      Report on CBG activities since last General Meeting 55m

      Results of CBG work relevant to the objectives and required actions set in the previous General meeting:
      1. CBG facilitated the institutional integration of the Baltic States in CERN and support CBG Members’ participation in CERN – see policy actions below
      2. Collaboration with the Baltic Assembly is maintained. BA session @CERN to be organized (pending due to Covid). BA Resolution with clear support to CBG and CERN activities to be adopted on 7th Nov – see draft.
      3. Exploration of administrative and financial EU/National means available for the CBG partner institution integration in CERN – in progress. Substantial National funding is obtained in Latvia. Participation in H2020 projects of CBG Members was lobbied at CERN and EC level.
      4. Impact and visibility of the CBG within CERN and other EU labs was ensured trough all available means. Now CBG is TIARA member
      5. Institution collaboration with the Scandinavian and Polish research institutions and labs was enhanced – e.g. INCT Warsaw. Scandinavia still to be explored – which is challenging in these online conditions.
      6. Invite new partner institutions from the Baltic States to join the CBG; e.g. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) and Vytautas Magnus University – no progress here. Different approach then to be considered.
      7. Development of the high-energy physics and accelerator technologies Study Programme at the masters’ level in close cooperation with CERN and the relevant National authorities – discussions started with the relevant partners and references in the doctoral programme are ensured.
      8. Reinforce the industry engagement with the CBG, crucial to the success of the collaboration with CERN – no real progress here.
      9. Coordinated collaboration of the CBG within the CMS experiment – we been hared and importance and role of CBG is fully recognized
      10. CBG partners’ engagement in the CERN-coordinated H2020 projects: I-FAST; HITRI+; PRISMAS-MAP
      11. High-efficiency and collegiality of the CBG Technical Coordination Team and the CBG Secretariat is real asset – thank you!

      Policy actions
      - impact of COVID-19 to CBG work and situation at CERN
      - CBG contributions to The CERN against COVID-19 task force activities
      - CBG engagement with Folding@home
      - BalticSchool of High-Energy Physics and Accelerator Technologies - cancelled for 2020. Proposal for the new school in 2021.
      - recap on the CBG Work Programme and the objectives for 2020-2021

      CMS actions
      - finally we are having substantial discussions, vital information exchange and we are starting to find synergies

      Coordination actions
      - CBG Coordination team regular activities

      Study programme actions
      - excellent progress and participation of CBG members!

      Industry engagement
      - ILO’s appointed for Lithuania and Estonia
      - industry mapping
      - Road show and Baltic Industry days @CERN are postponed sine die

      Speaker: Toms Torims (Riga Technical University)
    • 11:40 12:10
    • 12:10 12:40
      Estonia - CERN: state of play 30m
      Speaker: Mario Kadastik (National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (EE))
    • 12:40 13:10
      Latvia - CERN: state-of-play 30m
      • National contact Point for CERN/ funding situation/ engagement of stakeholders
      • CERN Latvia stakeholders group @Riga
      • state Research Programme of High Energy Physics and Accelerator Technologies is launched - led by Kārlis Dreimanis;
      • participation in the new NMS Doctoral Programme at CERN;
      • CERN Task Force and update re accession to CERN;
      • HERTIS Collaboration;
      • state of play with MEDICIS
      • Designated Communication Strategy for Latvia-CERN is being implemented - Aija Rūse
      • LU is starting to collaborate with AEGIS experiment @CERN - prof. Mārcis Auziņš
      • TeamLatvia@CERN is growing steadily/ bi-weekly scientific meetings of Latvian team @CERN
      Speaker: Toms Torims (Riga Technical University)
    • 13:10 14:10
      Lunch break 1h
    • 14:10 14:40
      Collaboration of CBG Members within the CMS 30m
      Speakers: Aurelijus Rinkevicius (Vilnius University (LT)), Karlis Dreimanis (Riga Technical University (LV))
    • 14:50 15:00
      Development of study programme of High Energy Physics and Accelerator Technologies 10m
      Speakers: Karlis Dreimanis (Riga Technical University (LV)), Prof. Marcis Auzins (University of Latvia), Ms Silva Vītola (RTU)
    • 15:00 16:00
      Development of joint CBG Mission statement 1h
      Speaker: All representatives
    • 16:00 17:00
      Industry engagement activities in CERN, CMS and CBG activities 1h
      Speakers: Adomas Jelinskas, Toms Torims (Riga Technical University), Dr Triin Kangro
    • 17:00 17:20
      Any other business and closing remarks 20m
      Speakers: All representatives, Toms Torims (Riga Technical University)