The XI NExT PhD Workshop will take place from 28 June to 2 July 2021. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to hold this event face-to-face, and the workshop will be held virtually using Zoom.
This workshop, designed specifically for early career researchers, is a compulsory event for the cohort of NExT PhD students who started in September 2020.
The workshop comprises 15 hours of lectures by world experts in particle physics on the most recent ideas to search for new physics at colliders and beyond.
Students will have the opportunity to present their own work through lightning talks and discussion sessions, where they will have the possibility to interact with the lecturers in a stimulating and supporting environment.
The workshop will also feature two sessions on careers advice, public engagement, and employer engagement.
Fees. Attendance is free of charge.
Programme and topics
Lectures. The workshop aims at exposing early career researchers to a wide scope of topical developments in the search for new physics, including theoretical ideas, concepts, and tools, as well as advances through experiments and new search strategies at colliders and beyond.
- Gravitational waves as new physics probes (Pedro Schwaller, University of Mainz)
- Precision physics for discovery (Giulia Zanderighi, MPI Munich)
- Effective field theories beyond colliders (Emmanuel Stamou, TU Dortmund)
- New strategies for discovery at the LHC (Josh McFayden, University of Sussex)
- From particle physics to quantum gravity (Astrid Eichhorn, University of Odense)
Student talks. PhD students are encouraged to discuss their research in dedicated sessions of 5-minute lightning talks. There will be prizes for the best talks!
SEPnet Employer Panel Sessions. The SEPnet employer panel sessions are aimed at raising awareness of career opportunities outside academia for physics doctorates. Panel representatives, all with physics or PhD backgrounds, will spend a few minutes outlining their background and their role, what their organisation does, what skills/knowledge they are looking for and why they might be interested in physicists. Each panel session will be followed by a Q&A session.
Feedback. Participants are required to send feedback using the online feedback form provided in the workshop material.
Andrea Banfi (Chair), Jonas Lindert, Daniel Litim