Nov 16 – 20, 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

Welcome to Island Hopping 2020, a workshop that will be held entirely virtually!


The focus will be on recent developments around the information paradox, quantum extremal surfaces and islands, generalized entropies, the Euclidean path integral in quantum gravity and the importance of spacetime wormholes, as well as the role of ensemble averages in holography. It will be held from November 16-20 2020.

Confirmed Speakers:

Ahmed Almheiri - Raphael Bousso - Alejandra Castro - Jan de Boer - Steve Giddings - Daniel Harlow - Tom Hartman - Daniel Jafferis - Kristan Jensen - Clifford Johnson - Hong Liu - Alex Maloney - Juan Maldacena - Henry Maxfield - Geoff Penington - Andrea Puhm - Suvrat Raju - Phil Saad - Edgar Shaghoulian - Julian Sonner - Douglas Stanford - James Sully - Mark Van Raamsdonk - Herman Verlinde - Ying Zhao

Recordings and Slides:

The slides of the presentations can be found in the contributions list, by clicking on a particular talk. Video recordings will be made available as the conference goes on, please see the appropriate tab.


Pre-conference tutorials

Coorganized with Jonathan Oppenheim, pre-conference tutorials were held on Friday Nov. 13 for younger students or participants who are less familiar with the topics of the conference. The lecturers are Raghu Mahajan and Dominik Neuenfeld. Please find additional information in the relevant tab, including a link to the recordings.


Talks and panel discussions will be held in two sessions each day:

Central European: 16:00 - 18:00 and 20:00 - 22:00

Eastern:                 10:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 16:00

Pacific Coast:         07:00 - 09:00 and 11:00 - 13:00

The detailed schedule can be found in the programme tab on the right.

There will be opportunities for informal discussions and social interactions in between these 2 sessions, which will happen on


Organizers: A. Belin, N. Engelhardt, R. Myers


The registration deadline is Monday November 9th. Please click on the registration tab.

This workshop acknowledges funding from the "It from Qubit" Simons collaboration.


Virtual conference only