25–28 Jan 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Sync and Share for Research Data Management

27 Jan 2021, 09:25
Presentation User Voice: Novel Applications, Data Science Environments & Open Data FAIR and Open Research Data Services


Mr Tom Wezepoel (SURF)


Since a number of years SURF has been running a sync-and-share service called SURFdrive as a personal cloud storage system. Later on it appeared that this service could not fulfill all the requirements coming from the research community. This had to do with flexible quota, project-based storage rather than personal storage and multiple means of authentication. The latter was an absolute necessity in order to allow people accessing the service outside of the Dutch SURFconext identity federation. For this reason SURF has started Research Drive that is delivered mostly to higher educational and research institutes in the Netherlands. This has become a great success with 20+ different sync-and-share instances operated by SURF.

The institutes use this service to manage their research data. Apart from the regular users like students, teachers and researchers there are also the local IT, primary investigators and data stewards. Each having their role in the data management process. Since Research Drive is completely self-service we have developed a dashboard where these different roles have been implemented, each with the different capabilities suiting their role.

In this presentation we will give an overview of how a sync-and-share service like Research Drive can be used for Research Data Management at an institutional level.

Primary author

Mr Tom Wezepoel (SURF)

Presentation materials