25–28 Jan 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Describo and RO-Crate - the FAIR data research helpers

27 Jan 2021, 09:10
Presentation User Voice: Novel Applications, Data Science Environments & Open Data FAIR and Open Research Data Services


Dr Marco La Rosa (The University of Melbourne)Dr Peter Sefton (UTS)


Too often, research projects don’t involve work-practices that describe the data generated over the lifetime of the project so that it meets the FAIR principles. Making data Findable so that it is Accessible, Reusable by others and Interoperable with archives, preservation systems and analytical systems. To address this we will introduce Describo; a desktop and online tool. Describo enables researchers to turn their folders of content (on their Desktop or in cloud-based share/sync services; initially implemented with Microsoft OneDrive but with an architecture that allows it to be used with many cloud/file services) into Research Object Crates (RO-Crate) suitable for sharing, reuse and long term preservation in archival systems.

Describo allows research teams from ANY discipline to describe their data using Linked Data methods; associating it with its creators using ORCID; unambiguously identifying funding sources, equipment and other provenance to maximise the Reuse and Interoperability potential of the data.

Primary authors

Dr Marco La Rosa (The University of Melbourne) Dr Peter Sefton (UTS)

Presentation materials