Portable Inference
We are pleased a mini-workshop (1/2 day) event “Portable Inference”, which will be held virtually on December 4, 2020. This virtual workshop is a satellite meeting co-"located" with the Fast Machine Learning Workshop a Blueprint meeting of the Institute for Research and Innovation for Software in High-Energy Physics (IRIS-HEP).
The goal of this workshop is to bring together experts to share their experiences, on-going work and plans in area of portable inference. The workshop is meant to be an informal technical interchange between experiments and split 50/50 between short presentations and discussions. During the discussion block, we would like to develop a short document which identifies common challenges around portable inference for co-processing applications (e.g. High-level Trigger, analysis) and points of future collaboration.
All participants in this workshop must abide to the IRIS-HEP Code-of-Conduct found at https://iris-hep.org/about/code-of-conduct
ZOOM link: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/87610344289?pwd=NnpZU0tWOU9vNmRPR3gyNXI3aGRPUT09