Portable Inference
We are pleased a mini-workshop (1/2 day) event “Portable Inference”, which will be held virtually on December 4, 2020. This virtual workshop is a satellite meeting co-"located" with the Fast Machine Learning Workshop a Blueprint meeting of the Institute for Research and Innovation for Software in High-Energy Physics (IRIS-HEP).
The goal of this workshop is to bring together experts to share their experiences, on-going work and plans in area of portable inference. The workshop is meant to be an informal technical interchange between experiments and split 50/50 between short presentations and discussions. During the discussion block, we would like to develop a short document which identifies common challenges around portable inference for co-processing applications (e.g. High-level Trigger, analysis) and points of future collaboration.
All participants in this workshop must abide to the IRIS-HEP Code-of-Conduct found at https://iris-hep.org/about/code-of-conduct
ZOOM link: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/87610344289?pwd=NnpZU0tWOU9vNmRPR3gyNXI3aGRPUT09
Alexx Perloff
Allison Mccarn Deiana
Amir Gholami
Burt Holzman
David Lange
Debottam Bakshi Gupta
Duc Hoang
Dylan Sheldon Rankin
Eleni Christidou
Emmanouil Vourliotis
Garyfallia Paspalaki
Giuseppe Di Guglielmo
Javier Mauricio Duarte
Jovan Mitrevski
Kevin Pedro
Kin Ho Lo
Lauri Antti Olavi Laatu
Leigh Howard Whitehead
Leonid Didukh
Mark Neubauer
Markus Julian Atkinson
Matthew Feickert
Maurizio Pierini
Miaoyuan Liu
Nhan Tran
Philip Harris
Rohin Thampilali Narayan
Rui Zhang
Shih-Chieh Hsu
Yongbin Feng
Zachary Ho