BGC Collaboration Meeting - ONLINE




The aims of the meeting are to:

  • For the Version 3 instrument: Give the status on the LHC tunnel installation, instrument design and procurement
  • Define the Version 3 Phase 1 remaining LHC tunnel installations for 2021
  • Version 3 Phase 2 manufacturing, quality control and assembly status update 
  • Cockcroft Institute (CI): commissioning and performance evaluation plan for Version 3 Ph. 2
  • For the HEL test stand with the BGC V3 design: Define the objectives of the tests (including gases and background light from the cathodes), that can be the expected performance, define work share and planning
  • For the V4 instrument with performance defined from the acceptance criteria (EDMS: 2369616): give updates on design issues including gas jet generation and vacuum constraints in the HEL context
  • Summary of experimental measurements performed and results from CI since March 2020
  • CoVid 19 impact on BGC progress
  • Review status of the collaboration, publications, manpower and budget planning


Previous collaboration meetings:

Giannis Papazoglou