24–26 May 2021
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Resonant neutrino self-interactions in astrophysical spectra

25 May 2021, 15:30
Cosmology Cosmology III


Jeffrey Hyde (Bowdoin College)


If neutrino self-interactions arise from beyond-Standard Model physics, there will be scattering between astrophysical and cosmic background neutrinos. As a result, resonance features can appear in astrophysical neutrino spectra. While the flavor-diagonal case has been studied before numerically, we present an analytic result for arbitrary self-coupling matrix, allowing for possibilities such as self-interactions only between tau neutrinos. We then examine effects on the diffuse supernova neutrino background and high-energy astrophysical neutrinos.

Primary authors

Cyril Creque-Sarbinowski (JHU) Jeffrey Hyde (Bowdoin College) Marc Kamionkowski (Johns Hopkins University)

Presentation materials