17–22 May 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Quarks and Antiquarks interacting in Electrodynamical Interactions

18 May 2021, 10:10
Room C (Zoom)

Room C


zoom co-host: Zhongling Ji https://stonybrook.zoom.us/j/99045792821
Theory talk Open questions and new developments Open and New (Electromagnetic)


Cheuk-Yin Wong


Quarks and antiquarks carry electric charges and can interact in
quantum electrodynamcal (QED) interactions. There appear no laws that
forbid quarks and antiquarks to interact in QED interactions alone.
Permitted on the basis of Gell-Mann's Totalitarian Principle that what
is not forbidden is allowed and motivated by observations of low-mass
anomalous particles in [1,2,3], we study the consequences of quarks
and antiquarks in QED interactions alone [4,5,6]. We find that as the
electrodynamical interactions between quarks and antiquarks with
opposite signs of electric charges are attractive and quarks cannot be
isolated, there can be stable composite light-quark states of neutral
QED mesons and the QED neutron in the mass region of many tens of MeV
[4,5,6]. Recent observations of the anomalous soft photons [1], the
X17 particle [2], and the E38 particle [3] in the low-mass region
provide positive experimental supports for the existence of some of
the QED composite states. These anomalous particles may be produced
during the deconfinement-to-cofinement phase transition of the
quark-gluon plasma phase transition and may be used a signature for
the quark-gluon plasma. The search for these states in high-energy
heavy-ion collisions and the relevance of the QED neutron as a dark
matter candidate particle will be examined and discussed.

[1] J. Abdallah $et~al.$ (DELPHI Collaboration),{Study of the
dependence of direct soft photon production on the jet
characteristics in hadronic Z0 decays}, Eur.Phys.J. C67, 343
(2010), [arXiv:1004.1587].
[2] A. J. Krasznahorkay $et~al.$, {Observation of anomalous
internal pair creation in 8Be: a possible indication of a
light, neutral boson}, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 042501 (2016),
[3] K. Abraamyan, et.al, {Check of the structure in photon pairs
spectra at the invariant mass of about 38 MeV}, EPJ Web of
Conferences 204, 08004 (2019).
[4] C. Y. Wong, {Anomalous soft photons in hadron production},
Phys. Rev. C81, 064903 (2010), [arXiv:1001.1691].
[5] C. Y. Wong, {Open string QED meson description of the X17
particle and dark matter}, JHEP 08 (2020) 165, [arxiv:2001.04864].
[6] C. Y. Wong, {On the stability of the open-string QED neutron
and dark matter}, [arxiv:2010.13948].

Primary author

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