May 17 – 22, 2021
US/Eastern timezone


From: "Xu, Zhangbu" <>
Date: Monday, May 10, 2021 at 7:17 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: SQM2021 speaker instructions and zoom links

Dear SQM2021 speakers:

Thank you for accepting the invitation to speak at the upcoming SQM conference in May 17-22, 2021.

We are excited about the program and are looking forward to the presentation of your research.

You can access your allocated time slot and contribution from the timetable:

or contribution list:

As speaker, you have access to the content of your contribution in the indico and
can upload your talk.

We request that you upload your presentation the day before your allocated time slot,

And all talks MUST be available in Indico before the session begins.

Information on zoom link (meeting ID and passcode) for each session and help on indico is available at:

Only registered participants have access to this page, and is attached to the end of this email.

We use one zoom room for all the plenary sessions throughout the conference.

The parallel sessions are organized as time blocks in parallel 1-5 and each time slot has 4 sessions
as parallel A-D. All the parallel session blocks from 1-5 will use the same 4 zoom rooms (A-D).
For example, Tuesday Parallel 2-B uses the same zoom link as Wednesday Parallel 3-B.

The zoom link is also available in each session as the session location address (but without the passcode).

Each session will have a chairperson and a co-host as assistant to the chair.

In an event that you are not able to share your screen in real time due to technical issues, the
co-host will help you display the slides (it is very important that you upload your talk a day before).

Time allocation for presentation + discussion:

For 30 minute talk: 25+5 
For 25 minutes: 20+5 
For 20 minute talk, 17+3 

We would like to ask each speaker to test your zoom link and all the presentation tools ahead of
your talk (probably a day before).

An open zoom room will be available from May 16-22 for the speakers and participants 
to try their zoom link, presentation sharing, and microphone/video:

We will make other announcements using the indico mail distribution system.
If your email system filters out such emails, please check back the SQM2021 indico for
other announcements and updates.

Tentative schedule and instructions for the proceedings are available:

And attached to the end of this email.

Last, but not the least, please adhere to the code of conduct:

We will announce updates as soon as available.


Zhangbu Xu

For the SQM2021 LOC


From: "Xu, Zhangbu" <>
Date: Friday, April 16, 2021 at 1:12 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: SQM2021 second announcement and program timetable (May 17-22, 2021)

Dear colleagues:

It is our pleasure to announce that the SQM2021 program and timetable

have been implemented and are available on the Indico page for the virtual conference:


The 19th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM 2021) has:
a. Ten plenary sessions focusing on experimental and theoretical progress on strangeness,
    heavy-flavor production, bulk properties, equation of states, resonances and hypernuclei.
b. One memorial session and an Andre Mischke Young Scientist Award.
c. Five parallel sessions with 96 presentations selected from over 200 abstracts.
d. a RHIC interactive virtual tour

The conference uses Zoom (Stony Brook) to host all the sessions.

Registration is required for participation without registration fee.

Please register before April 30 for receiving zoom link and access to the conference.

The proceedings are planned to be published by EPJ Web of Conference.

A mailing list for the conference is available:

sqm-mail-2021-l  (

We plan to have an interactive virtual tour of RHIC (STAR detector and collider)

during the maintenance day of RHIC operation on Wednesday. 
We do not plan to have a poster session and suggest hosting an in-person poster session in SQM 2022.

Important dates are:

April 30: Registration deadline

May 17-22: conference dates

We thank BNL, CERN, SBU and PNU for the sponsorship!

Look forward to your participation!

Zhangbu Xu (BNL)
for the local organizing committee

<<<<<<< February 9, 2021<<<<<<<<

Dear colleagues:

It is our pleasure to host SQM2021 online sponsored by BNL/CERN/SBU/PNU on the dates originally foreseen, May 17-22, 2021.  We have assembled a local organizing committee at BNL together with the much appreciated addition of In-Kwon Yoo (Busan) and Alexander Philipp Kalweit (CERN).

An Indico page for the virtual conference has been setup.

The 19th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM 2021) will focus on new experimental and theoretical developments on the role of strange and heavy-flavour quarks in high energy heavy-ion collisions and in astrophysical phenomena. Due to the ongoing pandemic, it will be an online-only conference and serves as a bridge to the postponed SQM 2022 in Korea. 

Conference physics topics: 

  • Strangeness and heavy quark production in nuclear collisions and hadronic interactions
  • Bulk matter phenomena associated with strange and heavy quarks
  • Production of strange/heavy-flavor hadron resonances and hypernuclei 
  • Strangeness in astrophysics
  • Open questions and new developments 

LOC plans to use Zoom (Stony Brook University) to host all the sessions.

Registration is required for participation without registration fee.

The proceedings are planned to be published by EPJ Web of Conference.

We have also setup a mailing list for the conference:

sqm-mail-2021-l  (

We plan to have an interactive virtual tour of RHIC (STAR detector and collider)

during the maintenance day of RHIC operation on Wednesday. 
We do not plan to have a poster session and suggest hosting an in-person poster session in SQM 2022.

Important dates are:

February 10: Registration and abstract submission open

March 8: Abstract deadline

April 5: Announcement of talks and agenda

April 30: Registration deadline

This serves as a call to the community for abstract submission
which opens from February 10 to March 8, 2021.

Please forward this to your colleagues and collaborators! 

Look forward to your participation!

Zhangbu Xu (BNL)
for the local organizing committee


The online SQM2021 will take place online. Links to the zoom rooms will be provided in due time to all registered participants.