9:30 AM
Bulk (Collectivity)
Flemming Videbaek
(until 11:10 AM)
(Room A)
9:30 AM
Strange particle collectivity in pPb and PbPb with CMS
Quan Wang
(The University of Kansas (US))
(Room A)
9:50 AM
Charm and Bottom quarks dynamics in heavy-ion collisions: $R_{AA}$, anisotropic flows $v_n$ and their correlations to the bulk.
Maria Lucia Sambataro
(Università degli Studi di Catania)
(Room A)
10:10 AM
Azimuthal anisotropy measurement of multi-strange hadrons in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}}$ = 27 and 54.4 GeV at STAR
Prabhupada Dixit
(Room A)
10:30 AM
Heavy flavor production and modification in ATLAS
James Lawrence Nagle
(University of Colorado Boulder)
(Room A)
10:50 AM
Deep learning stochastic processes with QCD phase transition
- Dr
Wang Lingxiao
(Room A)
9:30 AM
Strangeness (Yields)
Boris Hippolyte
(IPHC / USIAS (Strasbourg, FR))
(until 11:10 AM)
(Room B)
9:30 AM
Production of pions, kaons, (anti-) protons and (multi-) strange hadrons production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}}$ = 54.4 GeV using the STAR detector
Yan Huang
(Room B)
9:50 AM
Studying light-flavour hadrons produced in the collisions of different nuclei at the LHC with ALICE
Nicolo Jacazio
(Room B)
10:10 AM
Multi-strange hadron production in p+p interactions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=17.3 GeV
Szymon Pulawski
(University of Silesia (PL))
(Room B)
10:30 AM
Investigating the origin of strangeness enhancement in small systems through multi-differential analyses with ALICE
Francesca Ercolessi
(Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
(Room B)
10:50 AM
Hadron production within a full transport approach with statistical hadronization mechanism at RHIC and LHC energies
Giuseppe Galesi
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
(Room B)
9:30 AM
Open and New (Electromagnetic)
Gabor David
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
(until 11:10 AM)
( Room C)
9:30 AM
Low-mass dielectron measurements with ALICE at the LHC
Raphaelle Bailhache
(Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))
( Room C)
9:50 AM
Low-$p_{\rm{T}}$ $\mu^{+}\mu^{−}$ pair production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}}$ = 200 GeV at STAR
Jian Zhou
( Room C)
10:10 AM
Quarks and Antiquarks interacting in Electrodynamical Interactions
Cheuk-Yin Wong
( Room C)
10:30 AM
In-medium effects in strangeness production in heavy-ion collisions at (sub-)threshold energies
Taesoo Song
( Room C)
10:50 AM
$K_1/K^*$ enhancement as a signature of chiral symmetry restoration in heavy ion collisions
Haesom Sung
(Yonsei University)
( Room C)
9:30 AM
Charm Exotics
Christina Markert
(University of Texas at Austin (US))
(until 11:10 AM)
(Room D)
9:30 AM
Quarkonium dynamics inside the Quark-Gluon Plasma using open quantum systems
Stéphane Delorme
(Room D)
9:50 AM
Heavy quark transport in a magnetized quark-gluon plasma
- Dr
Manu Kurian
(Indian Institute of Technology, Ganghinagar)
(Room D)
10:10 AM
Evidence for X(3872) Production in PbPb collisions and studies of its prompt production with CMS
Yen-Jie Lee
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
(Room D)
10:30 AM
Deciphering the nature of X(3872) in heavy ion collisions
- Dr
Hui Zhang
(Institute of Quantum Matter, South China Normal University)
(Room D)
10:50 AM
The multiple-charm hierarchy in the Statistical Hadronization Model
- Dr
Vytautas Vislavicius
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
(Room D)
11:10 AM
Bulk (Fluctuation)
Maria Paola Lombardo
(until 12:50 PM)
(Room A)
11:10 AM
Net-particle number fluctuations in a hydrodynamic description of heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC
- Dr
Volodymyr Vovchenko
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
(Room A)
11:30 AM
Higher-Order Cumulants of Net-Proton Multiplicity Distributions from RHIC-STAR
- Mr
Yu Zhang
(Central China Normal University)
(Room A)
11:50 AM
Conserved charge fluctuations at vanishing net-baryon density from Lattice QCD
Jishnu Goswami
(Bielefeld University)
(Room A)
12:10 PM
Coupled baryon, electric charge and strangeness fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions
Grégoire PIHAN
(Room A)
12:30 PM
Off-of-equilibrium effects on Kurtosis Along Strangeness-Neutral Trajectories
Travis Dore
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
(Room A)
11:10 AM
Strangeness (Freeze-out)
Grazyna Odyniec
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
(until 12:50 PM)
(Room B)
11:10 AM
Elliptic flow for 𝝋-mesons measured by PHENIX
- Mr
Iurii Mitrankov
(Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU))
(Room B)
11:30 AM
Thermal-model-based characterization of heavy-ion-collision systems at chemical freeze-out
Jamie Stafford
(University of Houston)
(Room B)
11:50 AM
Early Strangeness freeze-out from RHIC BES to LHC
Jia Chen
(Room B)
12:10 PM
Thermal model description of the particle spectra in the few-GeV energy regime.
Szymon Harabasz
(Room B)
12:30 PM
Light and strange hadron production and anisotropic flow measurement in Au + Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}}$ = 3 GeV from STAR
Guannan Xie
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
(Room B)
11:10 AM
Open and New (Correlations)
Yen-Jie Lee
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
(until 12:50 PM)
(Room C)
11:10 AM
Indications for a non-monotonic pattern in the $(T, \mu_{B})$-dependence of the specific viscosity
Roy Lacey
(Stony Brook University)
(Room C)
11:30 AM
Quarkonia excited state suppression in pp and p-Pb with ALICE
Yanchun Ding
(Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))
(Room C)
11:50 AM
Building a testable shear viscosity across the QCD phase diagram
Emma McLaughlin
(Columbia University)
(Room C)
12:10 PM
Hydrodynamic description of D meson production in high-energy heavy-ion collisions
Chi Ding
(Central China Normal University)
(Room C)
12:30 PM
Study of kaon-proton interactions with ALICE at the LHC
Georgy Kornakov
(Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
(Room C)
11:10 AM
Upgrades and New Experiments
Thomas Hemmick
(Stony Brook University)
(until 12:50 PM)
(Room D)
11:10 AM
Charm and multi-charm baryon measurements via strangeness tracking in the upgraded ALICE detectors
David Dobrigkeit Chinellato
(University of Campinas UNICAMP (BR))
(Room D)
11:30 AM
Fixed-target program upgrade and prospects at LHCb
Edoardo Franzoso
(Universita e INFN, Ferrara (IT))
(Room D)
11:50 AM
Prospects for the NA60+ experiment at the CERN SPS
Alessandro De Falco
(Universita e INFN, Cagliari (IT))
(Room D)
12:10 PM
The heavy-ion program at the upgraded Baryonic Matter@Nuclotron Experiment at NICA
Dima Dementev
(Room D)
12:30 PM
Machine Learning Application for Λ Hyperon Reconstruction in CBM at FAIR
Shahid Khan
(Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
(Room D)