17–22 May 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Hyperon-type dependence of global polarization in heavy-ion collisions

19 May 2021, 10:10
Room C (Zoom)

Room C


zoom co-host: Zhongling Ji https://stonybrook.zoom.us/j/99045792821


Hui Li (Fudan University)


In heavy-ion collisions, the spin polarization of $\Lambda$ hyperon is an important measure to probe the vorticity of the quark-gluon plasma. On the other hand, other hyperons such as $\Xi^{-}$ and $\Omega^{-}$ should also possess the global polarization similar to $\Lambda$.

In this talk, I will show our recent theoretical results on the global polarization of $\Lambda$, $\Xi^{-}$ and $\Omega^{-}$ hyperons in non-central Au+Au collisions in the energy range $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=7.7-200$ GeV. The effect of resonance decays on the global polarization of $\Lambda$ and $\Xi^{-}$ is also investigated. Our results provide a quantitative relation between the global polarization of $\Lambda$, $\Xi^{-}$ and $\Omega^{-}$ hyperons. This provides us a means to further test the vorticity interpretation of the global polarization in experiments.


Prof. Huan Zhong Huang (Fudan university) Hui Li (Fudan University) Xiao-Liang Xia Xu-Guang Huang (Fudan University)

Presentation materials