17–22 May 2021
US/Eastern timezone


Resonances and Hypernuclei from Quark Matter

21 May 2021, 13:05
Plenary (Zoom)



Zoom co-host: Roli Esha, https://stonybrook.zoom.us/j/92106598678 passcode available to registered participants: https://indico.cern.ch/event/985652/page/22492-conference-zoom-rooms-and-indico-upload


Resonances and Hypernuclei from Quark Matter: Plenary 9

  • In-Kwon Yoo (Pusan National University (KR))

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Yuki Kamiya
21/05/2021, 13:05
Theory talk
Jihye Song (University of Houston (US))
21/05/2021, 13:35
Experimental talk
Yue Hang Leung (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
21/05/2021, 14:05
Experimental talk
Chi Yang (Shandong University)
21/05/2021, 14:35
Experimental talk
Building timetable...