Open and New (Charge and Flavor): Parallel 3
- Thomas Ullrich (BNL)
Significant strangeness enhancement and radial flow have been observed in high-multiplicity pp collisions at LHC. The origin of these effects is still under debate. In this contribution, new and more differential measurements are presented, making use of event-shape techniques to study final-state topologies: (i) the transverse spherocity, which aims to classify events into jetty...
Ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collision are characterized by the presence of very intense electromagnetic fields, which attain their maximal strength in the early stage and interplay with the strong vorticity induced in the plasma by the large angular momentum of the colliding nuclei. As a promising observable influenced by these phenomena we study the directed flow $v_1$ of neutral $D$ mesons...
In heavy-ion collisions, the spin polarization of $\Lambda$ hyperon is an important measure to probe the vorticity of the quark-gluon plasma. On the other hand, other hyperons such as $\Xi^{-}$ and $\Omega^{-}$ should also possess the global polarization similar to $\Lambda$.
In this talk, I will show our recent theoretical results on the global polarization of $\Lambda$, $\Xi^{-}$ and...
The hot and dense medium produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions has been conjectured to be accompanied by an axial charge asymmetry that may lead to a separation of electric charges in the direction of the extremely strong ($10^{18}$ Gauss) magnetic field ($B$),also known as the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME). The measurement of azimuthal correlator ($\Delta\gamma$) with respect to the...
We analyze the spin polarization generated from the hydrodynamic gradients. In addition to the widely studied effects of thermal vorticity, we identify an undiscovered contribution, namely, shear-induced polarization (SIP). That is, shear strength $\sigma^{\mu\nu}$, the traceless and symmetric part of the flow gradient, will give rise to spin polarization in momentum space. SIP can be viewed...