Heavy Flavor (Charmonia): Parallel 5
- Andrea Dainese (INFN - Padova (IT))
We study charmonia in electromagnetic and rotational fields in the frame of a potential model. Different from the temperature field which is isotropic and leads to the well-known charmonium dissociation, the electromagnetic and rotational fields break down the radial symmetry, and the competition between strong interaction and electromagnetic and rotational interaction in the direction of...
The production of quarkonia is one of the first proposed probes of the QGP properties in heavy-ion collisions. Since heavy quarks are produced during the early hard partonic collisions, they experience the entire evolution of the fireball. The suppression of quarkonium bound states by the free color charges of the dense deconfined medium, as well as the charmonium regeneration by...
Heavy quarkonia are ideal probes of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). The J/ψ suppression due to the color screening effect in heavy-ion collisions is a key experimental observable to study the QGP. At RHIC energies, charm quark recombination could also affect the J/ψ yield in the QGP. Measurements of J/ψ production in Au+Au collisions at different collision energies will help to understand the...
Quarkonia are among the most important tools for studying Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) in high energy hadronic collisions. Despite decades of extensive studies, we still have a limited knowledge of their production mechanism and hadronization; and carrying out as many measurements as possible in $p$$+$$p$ collisions over a broad kinematic region at different energies is essential to...