C. Jones
HEP analysis is an iterative process. It is critical that in each iteration the physicist's analysis job accesses the
same information as previous iterations (unless explicitly told to do otherwise). This becomes problematic
after the data has been reconstructed several times. In addition, when starting a new analysis, physicists
normally want to use the most recent version of reconstruction. Such version control is useful for data
managed by a single physicist using a laptop or small groups of physicists at a remote institution in addition
to the collaboration wide managed data.
In this presentation we will discuss our implementation of the EventStore which uses a data location, indexing
and versioning service to manage legacy data formats (e.g. an experiment's existing proprietary file format or
Root files). A plug-in architecture is used to support adding additional file formats. The core of the system is
used to implement three different sizes of services: personal, group and collaboration.
C. Jones