September 27, 2004 to October 1, 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Scientific Program

  • Plenary Sessions


    Plenary invited talks.

  • Track 1 - Online Computing


    CPU farms for high-level triggering; farm configuration and run control; describing and managing configuration data and conditions databases; online software frameworks and tools. We propose to exclude first-level trigger systems, readout systems and detector controls since these topics are highly specialized and are already well covered by other conferences.

  • Track 2 - Event processing


    event simulation and reconstruction; physics analysis; event visualisation and data presentation; toolkits for simulation and analysis; event data models; detector geometry models; specialized algorithms for high-level triggering and event processing.

  • Track 3 - Core Software


    domain specific frameworks; persistency; interactivity; foundation and utility libraries; math libraries; component models; object dictionaries; scripting; graphics; use of 3rd party software components (open source and commercial), programming techniques and tools; software testing; configuration management; software build, release and distribution tools; quality assurance; information systems; documentation.

  • Track 4 - Distributed Computing Services


    studies of data organization and managment and related analysis strategies; workflow tools; event access and selection and general data mining techniques; definition, development, deployment and use of grid technologies; performance monitoring and measurements. It features a special session dedicated to security .

  • Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences


    experience on designing and exploiting end -to-end systems for scientific computing, in particular for the handling, distribution and storage of all types of data (raw, simulated, calibration, etc.); related issues such as event selection and data mining as well as exploitation of the computing centres and fabrics; the development of the distributed computing models of experiments; real experience in prototypes and production systems.

  • Track 6 - Computer Fabrics


    architectures and technologies; integral systems (cpu/storage) and life-cycle management; functionality and operation of regional centres; global usage and management of resources; support of grid infrastructure and its exploitation, desktop and mobile computing, parallel computing.

  • Track 7 - Wide Area Networking


    global network status and outlook; advanced technologies and their use in applications; HENP networks and their relation to future grid systems; the digital divide and issues of access, readiness and cost; collaborative systems, progress in technologies and applications.