Wolfgang von Rueden
9/27/04, 9:00 AM
A. Boehnlein
9/27/04, 10:00 AM
In support of the Tevatron physics program, the Run II experiments have
developed computing models and hardware facilities to support data sets at
the petabyte scale, currently corresponding to 500 pb-1 of data and over 2
years of production operations. The systems are complete from online
data collection to user analysis, and make extensive use of central services
and common solutions...
(Princeton University)
9/27/04, 11:30 AM
The BaBar experiment at SLAC studies B-physics at the Upsilon(4S) resonance using
the high-luminosity e+e- collider PEP-II at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
(SLAC). Taking, processing and analyzing the very large data samples is a
significant computing challenge.
This presentation will describe the entire BaBar computing chain and illustrate
the solutions chosen as well as...
M. Purschke
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
9/27/04, 12:00 PM
The concepts and technologies applied in data acquisition systems have changed
dramatically over the past 15 years. Generic DAQ components and standards such as
CAMAC and VME have largely been replaced by dedicated FPGA and ASIC boards, and
dedicated real-time operation systems like OS9 or VxWorks have given way to Linux-
based trigger processor and event building farms. We have also...
J. Nogiec
9/27/04, 2:00 PM
The paper describes a component-based framework for data stream processing that
allows for configuration, tailoring, and run-time system reconfiguration. The
system’s architecture is based on a pipes and filters pattern, where data is passed
through routes between components. Components process data and add, substitute,
and/or remove named data items from a data stream. They can also...
T.M. Steinbeck
9/27/04, 2:00 PM
The Alice High Level Trigger (HLT) is foreseen to consist of a
cluster of 400 to 500 dual SMP PCs at the start-up of the
experiment. It's input data rate can be up to 25GB/s. This has to be
reduced to at most 1.2 GB/s before the data is sent to DAQ through
event selection, filtering, and data compression. For these
processing purposes, the data is passed through the cluster in...
A. Ceseracciu
9/27/04, 2:00 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
The Event Reconstruction Control System of the BaBar experiment was redesigned in
2002, to satisfy the following major requirements: flexibility and scalability.
Because of its very nature, this system is continuously maintained to implement the
changing policies, typical of a complex, distributed production enviromnent.
In 2003, a major revolution in the BaBar computing model, the...
J. Andreeva
(UC Riverside)
9/27/04, 2:20 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
One of the goals of CMS Data Challenge in March-April 2004 (DC04) was to run
reconstruction for sustained period at 25 Hz input rate with distribution of the
produced data to CMS T1 centers for further analysis.
The reconstruction was run at the T0 using CMS production software, of which the main
components are RefDB (CMS Monte Carlo 'Reference Database' with Web interface) and
M. Sutton
9/27/04, 2:20 PM
The architecture and performance of the ZEUS Global Track Trigger
(GTT) are described. Data from the ZEUS silicon Micro Vertex
detector's HELIX readout chips, corresponding to 200k channels, are
digitized by 3 crates of ADCs and PowerPC VME board computers push
cluster data for second level trigger processing and strip data for
event building via Fast and GigaEthernet network...
G. Battistoni
(INFN Milano, Italy)
9/27/04, 2:40 PM
The FLUKA Monte Carlo transport code is being used for different
applications in High Energy, Cosmic Ray and Accelerator Physics.
Here we review some of the ongoing projects which are
based on this simulation tool.
In particular, as far as accelerator physics is concerned, we wish
to summarize the work in progress for the LHC and the CNGS project.
From the point of view of experimental...
9/27/04, 2:40 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
In order to validate the Offline Computing Model and the
complete software suite, ATLAS is running a series of Data
Challenges (DC). The main goals of DC1 (July 2002 to April
2003) were the preparation and the deployment of the
software required for the production of large event samples,
and the production of those samples as a worldwide
distributed activity.
DC2 (May 2004 until...
S. Pardi
9/27/04, 3:00 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
The standard procedures for the extraction of gravitational wave signals coming
from coalescing binaries provided by the output signal of an interferometric
antenna may require computing powers generally not available in a single computing
centre or laboratory. A way to overcome this problem consists in using the
computing power available in different places as a single geographically...
M. Ye
9/27/04, 3:00 PM
This article introduces a Embedded Linux System based on vme series
PowerPC as well as the base method on how to establish the system.
The goal of the system is to build a test system of VMEbus device.
It also can be used to setup the data acquisition and control
system. Two types of compiler are provided by the developer system
according to the features of the system and the...
L. Pinsky
9/27/04, 3:00 PM
The FLUKA Monte Carlo transport code is a well-known simulation tool in High Energy
Physics. FLUKA is a dynamic tool in the sense that it is being continually updated
and improved by the authors. Here we review the progresses achieved in the last
year on the physics models. From the point of view of hadronic physics, most of the
effort is still in the field of nucleus--nucleus...
J. Rodriguez
9/27/04, 3:20 PM
The High Energy Physics Group at the University of Florida is involved in a variety
of projects ranging from High Energy Experiments at hadron and electron positron
colliders to cutting edge computer science experiments focused on grid computing.
In support of these activities members of the Florida group have developed and
deployed a local computational facility which consists of...
O. Smirnova
(Lund University, Sweden)
9/27/04, 3:20 PM
The NorduGrid middleware, ARC, has integrated support for querying and
registering to Data Indexing services such as the Globus Replica Catalog
and Globus Replica Location Server. This support allows one to use these
Data Indexing services for for example brokering during job-submission,
automatic registration of files and many other things. This
integrated support is complemented by a...
P. Buncic
9/27/04, 3:20 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
AliEn (ALICE Environment) is a Grid framework developed by the Alice Collaboration and used in production
for almost 3 years. From the beginning, the system was constructed using Web Services and standard
network protocols and Open Source components. The main thrust of the development was on the design and
implementation of an open and modular architecture. A large part of the component...
9/27/04, 3:20 PM
BES is an experiment on Beijing Electron-Positron Collider (BEPC).
BES computing environment consists of PC/Linux cluster and mainly relies on the free
software. OpenPBS and Ganglia are used as job schedule and monitor system. With
helps from CERN IT Division, CASTOR was implemented as storage management system.
BEPC is being upgraded and luminosity will increase one hundred times...
H. Kornmayer
9/27/04, 3:40 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
The observation of high-energetic gamma-rays with ground based air cerenkov telescopes is one of
the most exciting areas in modern astro particle physics. End of the year 2003 the MAGIC telescope
started operation.The low energy threshold for gamma-rays together with different background
sources leads to a considerable amount of data. The analysis will be done in different institutes...
S. Canon
9/27/04, 3:40 PM
Supporting multiple large collaborations on shared compute
farms has typically resulted in divergent requirements from the
users on the configuration of these farms. As the frameworks used
by these collaborations are adapted to use Grids, this issue will likely
have a significant impact on the effectiveness of Grids.
To address these issues, a method was developed at Lawrence Berkeley...
H-J. Mathes
9/27/04, 3:40 PM
S.Argiro`(1), A. Kopmann (2), O.Martineau (2), H.-J. Mathes (2)
for the Pierre Auger Collaboration
(1) INFN, Sezione Torino
(2) Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
The Pierre Auger Observatory currently under construction in Argentina will
investigate extensive air showers at energies above 10^18 eV. It
consists of a ground array of 1600 Cherenkov water detectors and 24
S. Burke
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
9/27/04, 4:30 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
The European DataGrid (EDG) project ran from 2001 to 2004, with the aim of producing
middleware which could form the basis of a production Grid, and of running a testbed
to demonstrate the middleware. HEP experiments (initially the four LHC experiments
and subsequently BaBar and D0) were involved from the start in specifying
requirements, and subsequently in evaluating the performance...
I. Sourikova
9/27/04, 4:30 PM
To benefit from substantial advancements in Open Source database
technology and ease deployment and development concerns with
Objectivity/DB, the Phenix experiment at RHIC is migrating its principal
databases from Objectivity to a relational database management system
(RDBMS). The challenge of designing a relational DB schema to store a
wide variety of calibration classes was
G B. Barrand
(CNRS / IN2P3 / LAL)
9/27/04, 4:30 PM
We want to present the status of this project.
After quickly remembering the basic choices around GUI, visualization
and scriptingm we would like to develop what had been done in order to
have an AIDA-3.2.1 complient systen, to visualize Geant4 data (G4Lab module),
to visualize ROOT data (Mangrove module), to have an hippodraw module
and what had been done in order to run on MacOSX...
V. Ivantchenko
9/27/04, 4:30 PM
We will summarize the recent and current activities of the Geant4
working group responsible of the standard package of electromagnetic
physics. The major recent activities include an design iteration in
energy loss and multiple scattering domain providing "process versus
models" approach, and development of the following physics models:
multiple scattering, ultra relativistic muon...
M. Schulz
9/27/04, 4:50 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
LCG2 is a large scale production grid formed by more than 40 worldwide distributed sites.
The aggregated number of CPUs exceeds 3000 several MSS systems are integrated in the system. Almost
all sites form an independent administrative domain.
On most of the larger sites the local computing resources have been integrated into the grid.
The system has been used for large scale...
J. VanWezel
9/27/04, 4:50 PM
The HEP experiments that use the regional center GridKa will handle
large amounts of data. Traditional access methods via local disks or
large network storage servers show limitations in size, throughput or
data management flexibility.
High speed interconnects like Fibre Channel, iSCSI or Infiniband as
well as parallel file systems are becoming increasingly important in
large cluster...
E. Hjort
9/27/04, 4:50 PM
The STAR experiment utilizes two major computing facilities for its data processing
needs - the RCF at Brookhaven and the PDSF at LBNL/NERSC. The sharing of data
between these facilities utilizes data grid services for file replication, and the
deployment of these services was accomplished in conjunction with the Particle
Physics Data Grid (PPDG). For STAR's 2004 run it will be...
D. Winter
9/27/04, 4:50 PM
The PHENIX detector consists of 14 detector subsystems. It is designed such
that individual subsystems can be read out independently in parallel as well
as a single unit. The DAQ used to read the detector is a highly-pipelined
parallel system. Because PHENIX is interested in rare physics events, the DAQ
is required to have a fast trigger, deep buffering, and very high bandwidth.
O. Tatebe
9/27/04, 5:10 PM
Gfarm v2 is designed for facilitating reliable file sharing and
high-performance distributed and parallel data computing in a Grid
across administrative domains by providing a Grid file system. A
file system is a virtual file system that federates multiple file
systems. It is possible to share files or data by mounting the
virtual file system. This paper discusses the design...
D Chapin
(Brown University)
9/27/04, 5:10 PM
The DZERO Level 3 Trigger and Data Aquisition (L3DAQ) system has been
running continuously since Spring 2002. DZERO is loacated at one of the
two interaction points in the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The L3DAQ
moves front-end readout data from VME crates to a trigger processor
farm. It is built upon a Cisco 6509 Ethernet switch, standard PCs, and
commodity VME single board computers. We...
R. Pordes
9/27/04, 5:10 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
The U.S.LHC Tier-1 and Tier-2 laboratories and universities are developing production Grids to support LHC
applications running across a worldwide Grid computing system. Together with partners in computer science,
physics grid projects and running experiments, we will build a common national production grid
infrastructure which is open in its architecture, implementation and use.
I. Osborne
(Northeastern University, Boston, USA)
9/27/04, 5:30 PM
We present a composite framework which exploits the advantages of
the CMS data model and uses a novel approach for building CMS
simulation, reconstruction, visualisation and future analysis
applications. The framework exploits LCG SEAL and CMS COBRA plug-ins
and extends the COBRA framework to pass communications between the
GUI and event threads, using SEAL callbacks to navigate...
(Oxford University)
9/27/04, 5:30 PM
The LHCb experiment needs to store all the information about the datasets and their
processing history of recorded data resulting from particle collisions at the LHC
collider at CERN as well as of simulated data.
To achieve this functionality a design based on data warehousing techniques was
chosen, where several user-services can be implemented and optimized individually
9/27/04, 5:30 PM
With the development of Linux and improvement of PC's performance, PC cluster used
as high performance computing system is becoming much popular. The performance of
I/O subsystem and cluster file system is critical to a high performance computing
system. In this work the basic characteristics of cluster file systems and their
performance are reviewed. The performance of four...
9/27/04, 5:30 PM
The talk presents the experience gathered during the testbed
administration (~100 PC and 15+ switches) for the ATLAS Experiment at
It covers the techniques used to resolve the HW/SW conflicts, network
related problems, automatic installation and configuration of the
cluster nodes as well as system/service monitoring in the heterogeneous
dynamically changing...
S. Dasu
9/27/04, 5:30 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
The University of Wisconsin distributed computing research groups
developed a software system called Condor for high throughput computing
using commodity hardware. An adaptation of this software, Condor-G, is
part of Globus grid computing toolkit. However, original Condor has
additional features that allows building of an enterprise level grid.
Several UW departments have Condor computing...
A. Lyon
9/27/04, 5:50 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
The SAMGrid team has recently refactored its test harness suite for
greater flexibility and easier configuration. This makes possible
more interesting applications of the test harness, for component
tests, integration tests, and stress tests. We report on the
architecture of the test harness and its recent application
to stress tests of a new analysis cluster at Fermilab, to explore...
T. DeYoung
9/27/04, 5:50 PM
IceCube is a cubic kilometer-scale neutrino telescope under construction at the South
Pole. The minimalistic nature of the instrument poses several challenges for the
software framework. Events occur at random times, and frequently overlap, requiring
some modifications of the standard event-based processing paradigm. Computational
requirements related to modeling the detector medium...
A. Shevel
9/27/04, 6:10 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
The PHENIX collaboration records large volumes of data for each
experimental run (now about 1/4 PB/year). Efficient and timely
analysis of this data can benefit from a framework for distributed
analysis via a growing number of remote computing facilities in the
collaboration. The grid architecture has been, or is being deployed
at most of these facilities.
The experience being...
G. unel
9/27/04, 6:10 PM
The ATLAS Trigger and DAQ system is designed to use the Region of
Interest (RoI)mechanism to reduce the initial Level 1 trigger rate of
100 kHz down to about 3.3 kHz Event Building rate.
The DataFlow component of the ATLAS TDAQ system is responsible
for the reading of the detector specific electronics via 1600 point
to point readout links, the collection and provision of RoI to the...
R. Kennedy
9/27/04, 6:10 PM
SAMGrid is the shared data handling framework of the two large Fermilab
Run II collider experiments: DZero and CDF. In production since 1999 at D0, and
since mid-2004 at CDF, the SAMGrid framework has been adapted over time to
accommodate a variety of storage solutions and configurations, as well as the
differing data processing models of these two experiments. This has been...
P. Spentzouris
9/27/04, 6:10 PM
Computer simulations play a crucial role in both the design and
operation of particle accelerators. General tools for modeling
single-particle accelerator dynamics have been in wide use for many
years. Multi-particle dynamics are much more computationally
demanding than single-particle dynamics, requiring supercomputers or
parallel clusters of PCs. Because of this, simulations of...
L. Nellen
9/27/04, 6:10 PM
The Pierre Auger Observatory is designed to unveil the nature and the
origin of the highest energy cosmic rays. Two sites, one currently
under construction in Argentina, and another pending in the Northern
hemisphere, will observe extensive air showers using a hybrid detector
comprising a ground array of 1600 water Cerenkov tanks overlooked by
four atmospheric fluorescence detectors. ...
Les Robertson
9/28/04, 8:30 AM
The talk will cover briefly the current status of the LHC Computing Grid project
and will discuss the main challenges facing us as we prepare for the startup of LHC.
Z. Toteva
(Sofia University/CERN/CMS)
9/28/04, 10:00 AM
We describe a database solution in a web application to centrally
manage the configuration information of computer systems. It extends the
modular cluster management tool Quattor with a user friendly web interface.
System configurations managed by Quattor are described with the aid of PAN, a
declarative language with a command line and a compiler interface. Using a
relational schema,...
L. Lisa Giacchetti
9/28/04, 10:00 AM
The scalable serving of shared filesystems across large clusters of computing resources continues to be a
difficult problem in high energy physics computing. The US CMS group at Fermilab has performed a detailed
evaluation of hardware and software solutions to allow filesysystem access to data from computing systems.
The goal of the evaluation was to arrive at a solution that was able...
F.M. Taurino
9/28/04, 10:00 AM
The "gridification" of a computing farm is usually a complex and time consuming task.
Operating system installation, grid specific software, configuration files
customization can turn into a large problem for site managers.
This poster introduces InGRID, a solution used to install and maintain grid software
on small/medium size computing farms.
Grid elements installation with InGRID...
G. Sun
9/28/04, 10:00 AM
These are several on-going experiments at IHEP, such as BES, YBJ, and CMS
collaboration with CERN. each experiment has its own computing system, these
computing systems run separately. This leads to a very low CPU utilization due
to different usage period of each experiment. The Grid technology is a very
good candidate for integrating these separate computing systems into a "single...
H. Schwarthoff
9/28/04, 10:00 AM
The CLEO collaboration at the Cornell electron positron storage ring
CESR has completed its transition to the CLEO-c experiment. This new
program contains a wide array of Physics studies of $e^+e^-$
collisions at center of mass energies between 3 GeV and 5 GeV.
New challenges await the CLEO-c Online computing system, as the
trigger rates are expected to rise from < 100 Hz to around...
I. Sfiligoi
(INFN Frascati)
9/28/04, 10:00 AM
CDF is deploying a version of its analysis facility (CAF) at several globally
distributed sites. On top of the hardware at each of these sites is either an FBSNG
or Condor batch manager and a SAM data handling system which in some cases also
makes use of dCache.
The jobs which run at these sites also make use of a central database located at
Fermilab. Each of these systems has its own...
S. Nemnyugin
9/28/04, 10:00 AM
We report the results of parallelization and tests of the Parton
String Model event generator at the parallel cluster of St.Petersburg
State University Telecommunication center.
Two schemes of parallelization were studied. In the first approach
master process coordinates work of slave processes, gathers and
analyzes data. Results of MC calculations are saved in local files.
A. Eleuteri
9/28/04, 10:00 AM
In this paper we examine the performance of the raw Ethernet
protocol in deterministic, low-cost, real-time communication. Very
few applications have been reported until now, and they focus on the
use of the TCP and UDP protocols, which however add a sensible
overhead to the communication and reduce the useful bandwidth. We
show how low-level Ethernet access can be used for...
A. Garcia
9/28/04, 10:00 AM
The clusters using DataGrid middleware are usually installed and
managed by means of an "LCFG" server. Originally developed by the
Univ. of Edinburgh and extended by DataGrid, this is a complex piece
of software. It allows for automated installation and configuration of
a complete grid site. However, installation of the "LCFG"-Server takes
most of the time, thus hinder widespread...
G. unel
9/28/04, 10:00 AM
The 40 MHz collision rate at the LHC produces ~25 interactions per bunch crossing
within the ATLAS detector, resulting in terabytes of data per second to be handled
by the detector electronics and the trigger and DAQ system. A Level 1 trigger system
based on custom designed and built electronics will reduce the event rate to 100 kHz.
The DAQ system is responsible for the readout of the...
A. Martin
9/28/04, 10:00 AM
We describe our experience in building a cost efficient High Throughput Cluster (HTC)
using commodity hardware and free software within a university environment.
Our HTC has a modular system architecture and is designed to be upgradable.
The current, second phase configuration, consists of 344 processors and 20 Tbyte of
RAID storage.
In order to rapidly install and upgrade software,...
M. Ellisman
(National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research of the Center for Research in Biological Systems - The Department of Neurosciences, University of California San Diego School of Medicine - La Jolla, California - USA)
9/28/04, 11:00 AM
The grand goal in neuroscience research is to understand how the interplay of
structural, chemical and electrical signals in nervous tissue gives rise to
behavior. Experimental advances of the past decades have given the individual
neuroscientist an increasingly powerful arsenal for obtaining data, from the level
of molecules to nervous systems. Scientists have begun the arduous and...
Andrew Sutherland
9/29/04, 9:00 AM
Dr Sutherland will review the evolution of computing over the past
decade, focusing particularly on the development of the database and
middleware from client server to Internet computing.
But what are the next steps from the perspective of a software
company? Dr Sutherland will discuss the development of Grid as well
as the future applications revolving around collaborative...
T. Coviello
(INFN Via E. Orabona 4 I - 70126 Bari Italy)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
A grid system is a set of heterogeneous computational and storage
resources, distributed on a large geographic scale, which belong to
different administrative domains and serve several different
scientific communities named Virtual Organizations (VOs). A virtual
organization is a group of people or institutions which collaborate
to achieve common objectives. Therefore such system has...
M. Jones
(Manchester University)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
The BaBar experiment has accumulated many terabytes of data on
particle physics reactions, accessed by a community of hundreds of
Typical analysis tasks are C++ programs, individually written by the
user, using shared templates and libraries. The resources have
outgrown a single platform and a distributed computing model is
needed. The grid provides the natural toolset....
T. Coviello
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
Grid computing is a large scale geographically distributed and
heterogeneous system that provides a common platform for running
different grid enabled applications. As each application has
different characteristics and requirements, it is a difficult
task to develop a scheduling strategy able to achieve optimal
performance because application-specific and dynamic system status
T. Wlodek
(Brookhaven National Lab)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
A description of a Condor-based, Grid-aware batch
software system configured to function asynchronously
with a mass storage system is presented. The software
is currently used in a large Linux Farm (2700+
processors) at the RHIC and ATLAS Tier 1 Computing
Facility at Brookhaven Lab. Design, scalability,
reliability, features and support issues with a
complex Condor-based batch...
P. Love
(Lancaster University)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
Building on several years of sucess with the MCRunjob projects at
DZero and CMS, the fermilab sponsored joint Runjob project aims to
provide a Workflow description language common to three experiments:
DZero, CMS and CDF. This project will encapsulate the remote
processing experiences of the three experiments in an extensible
software architecture using web services as...
T. Harenberg
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
The D0 experiment at the Tevatron is collecting some 100 Terabytes of data
each year and has a very high need of computing resources for the various
parts of the physics program. D0 meets these demands by establishing a
world - increasingly based on GRID technologies.
Distributed resources are used for D0 MC production and data
reprocessing of 1 billion events, requiring 250 TB to be...
O. Smirnova
(Lund University, Sweden)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
In common grid installations, services responsible for storing big data
chunks, replication of those data and indexing their availability are usually
completely decoupled. And a task of synchronizing data is passed to either
user-level tools or separate services (like spiders) which are subject to
failure and usually cannot perform properly if one of underlying services
fails too.
S. Stonjek
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory / University of Oxford)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
CDF is an experiment at the Tevatron at Fermilab. One dominating
factor of the experiments' computing model is the high volume of raw,
reconstructed and generated data. The distributed data handling
services within SAM move these data to physics analysis
applications. The SAM system was already in use at the D-Zero
experiment. Due to difference in the computing model of the...
I. Stokes-Rees
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
The DIRAC system developed for the CERN LHCb experiment is a grid
infrastructure for managing generic simulation and analysis jobs. It
enables jobs to be distributed across a variety of computing
resources, such as PBS, LSF, BQS, Condor, Globus, LCG, and individual
A key challenge of distributed service architectures is that there is
no single point of control over...
V. garonne
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
The Workload Management System (WMS) is the core component of the
DIRAC distributed MC production and analysis grid of the LHCb
experiment. It uses a central Task database which is accessed via
a set of central Services with Agents running on each of the LHCb
sites. DIRAC uses a 'pull' paradigm where Agents request tasks
whenever they detect their local resources are available.
L. Matyska
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
The Logging and Bookkeeping service tracks job passing through the Grid. It collects
important events generated by both the grid middleware components and
applications, and processes them at a chosen L&B server to provide the job
state. The events are transported through secure reliable channels. Job
tracking is fully distributed and does not depend on a single information
source, the...
P. Mendez Lorenzo
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
In a Grid environment, the access to information on system resources is a necessity
in order to perform common tasks such as matching job requirements with available
resources, accessing files or presenting monitoring information. Thus both
middleware service, like workload and data management, and applications, like
monitoring tools, requiere an interface to the Grid information...
X. Zhao
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
This paper describes the deployment and configuration of the
production system for ATLAS Data Challenge 2 starting in May 2004,
at Brookhaven National Laboratory, which is the Tier1 center in
the United States for the International ATLAS experiment. We will
discuss the installation of Windmill (supervisor) and Capone (executor)
software packages on the submission host and the relevant...
R. santinelli
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
The management of Application and Experiment Software represents a very
common issue in emerging grid-aware computing infrastructures.
While the middleware is often installed by system administrators at a site
via customized tools that serve also for the centralized management of
the entire computing facility, the problem of installing, configuring and
validating Gigabytes of Virtual...
R. Walker
(Simon Fraser University)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
A large number of Grids have been developed, motivated by
geo-political or application requirements. Despite being mostly based
on the same underlying middleware, the Globus Toolkit, they are
generally not inter-operable for a variety of reasons. We present a
method of federating those disparate grids which are based on the
Globus Toolkit, together with a concrete example of interfacing...
V. Fine
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
Most HENP experiment software includes a logging or tracing API allowing for
displaying in a particular format important feedback coming from the core
application. However, inserting log statements into the code is a low-tech method
for tracing the program execution flow and often leads to a flood of messages in
which the relevant ones are occluded. In a distributed computing...
R. Barbera
(Univ. Catania and INFN Catania)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
Computational and data grids are now entering a more mature phase where experimental
test-beds are turned into production quality infrastructures operating around the
clock. All this is becoming true both at national level, where an example is the
Italian INFN production grid (http://grid-it.cnaf.infn.it), and at the continental
level, where the most strinking example is the European Union...
H. Tallini
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
GROSS (GRidified Orca Submission System) has been developed to provide CMS
end users with a single interface for running batch analysis tasks over
the LCG-2 Grid. The main purpose of the tool is to carry out job
splitting, preparation, submission, monitoring and archiving in a
transparent way which is simple to use for the end user. Central to its
design has been the requirement for...
M. Burgon-Lyon
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
JIM (Job and Information Management) is a grid extension to the mature data handling
system called SAM (Sequential Access via Metadata) used by the CDF, DZero and Minos
Experiments based at Fermilab. JIM uses a thin client to allow job submissions from
any computer with Internet access, provided the user has a valid certificate or
kerberos ticket. On completion the job output can be...
G. Donvito
G. Tortone
(INFN Napoli)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
In a wide-area distributed and heterogeneous grid environment, monitoring
represents an important and crucial task. It includes system status checking,
performance tuning, bottlenecks detecting, troubleshooting, fault notifying. In
particular a good monitoring infrastructure must provide the information to
track down the current status of a job in order to locate any problems....
E.M.V. Fasanelli
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
The infn.it AFS cell has been providing a useful single file-space and authentication mechanism for the whole
INFN, but the lack of a distributed management system, has lead several INFN sections and LABs to setup local
AFS cells. The hierarchical transitive cross-realm authentication introduced in the Kerberos 5 protocol and the
new versions of the OpenAFS and MIT implementation of...
D. Rebatto
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
In this paper we present an overview of the implementation of the LCG
interface for the ATLAS production system. In order to take profit
of the features provided by DataGRID software, on which LCG is based,
we implemented a Python module, seamless integrated into the Workload
Management System, which can be used as an object-oriented API to the
submission services. On top of it we...
L. Tuura
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
Experiments frequently produce many small data files for reasons beyond their control, such as output
splitting into physics data streams, parallel processing on large farms, database technology incapable of
concurrent writes into a single file, and constraints from running farms reliably. Resulting data file size is
often far from ideal for network transfer and mass storage performance....
D. Sanders
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
High-energy physics experiments are currently recording large amounts of data and in a few years will be
recording prodigious quantities of data. New methods must be developed to handle this data and make
analysis at universities possible. Grid Computing is one method; however, the data must be cached at the
various Grid nodes. We examine some storage techniques that exploit recent...
E. Berdnikov
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
The scope of this work is the study of scalability limits of the
Certification Authority (CA), running for large scale GRID environments.
The operation of Certification Authority is analyzed from the view of
the rate of incoming requests, complexity of authentication procedures,
LCG security restrictions and other limiting factors. It is shown, that
standard CA operational...
C. Nicholson
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
In large-scale Grids, the replication of files to different sites is an important
data management mechanism which can reduce access latencies and give improved usage
of resources such as network bandwidth, storage and computing power.
In the search for an optimal data replication strategy, the Grid simulator OptorSim
was developed as part of the European DataGrid project. Simulations of...
G. Shabratova
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR))
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
The report presents an analysis of the Alice Data Challenge 2004.
This Data Challenge has been performed on two different distributed
computing environments. The first one is the Alice Environment for
distributed computing (AliEn) used standalone. Presently this
environment allows ALICE physicists to obtain results on simulation,
reconstruction and analysis of data in ESD format for...
B. Quinn
(The University of Mississippi)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
The D0 experiment at Fermilab's Tevatron will record several petabytes of data over
the next five years in pursuing the goals of understanding nature and searching for
the origin of mass. Computing resources required to analyze these data far exceed
the capabilities of any one institution. Moreover, the widely scattered
geographical distribution of collaborators poses further serious...
D. Andreotti
(INFN Sezione di Ferrara)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
The BaBar experiment has been taking data since 1999. In 2001 the computing group
started to evaluate the possibility to evolve toward a distributed computing model in
a Grid environment. In 2003, a new computing model, described in other talks, was
implemented, and ROOT I/O is now being used as the Event Store. We implemented a
system, based onthe LHC Computing Grid (LCG) tools, to submit...
I. Terekhov
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
SAMGrid is a globally distributed system for data handling and job management,
developed at Fermilab for the D0 and CDF experiments in Run II. The Condor
system is being developed at the University of Wisconsin for management
of distributed resources, computational and otherwise. We briefly review the
SAMGrid architecture and its interaction with Condor, which was presented
earlier. We...
A. Lyon
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
The SAMGrid team is in the process of implementing a monitoring and
information service, which fulfills several important roles in the
operation of the SAMGrid system, and will replace the first
generation of monitoring tools in the current deployments. The first
generation tools are in general based on text logfiles and
represent solutions which are not scalable or maintainable. The...
E. Slabospitskaya
(Institute for High Energy Physics,Protvino,Russia)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
Storage Resource Manager (SRM) and Grid File Access Library (GFAL) are GRID
middleware components used for transparent access to Storage Elements. SRM provides a
common interface (WEB service) to backend systems giving dynamic space allocation and
file management. GFAL provides a mechanism whereby an application software can access
a file at a site without having to know which transport...
V. Bartsch
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
To distribute computing for CDF (Collider Detector at Fermilab) a system managing
local compute and storage resources is needed. For this purpose CDF will use the
DCAF (Decentralized CDF Analysis Farms) system which is already at Fermilab. DCAF
has to work with the data handling system SAM (Sequential Access to data via
Metadata). However, both DCAF and SAM are mature systems which...
Douglas Smith
(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
The new BaBar bookkeeping system comes with tools to directly support
data analysis tasks. This Task Manager system acts as an interface
between datasets defined in the bookkeeping system, which are used as
input to analyzes, and the offline analysis framework. The Task
Manager organizes the processing of the data by creating specific jobs
to be either submitted to a batch system, or...
A. Boehnlein
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
The D0 experiment relies on large scale computing systems to achieve her
physics goals. As the experiment lifetime spans, multiple generations of
computing hardware, it is fundemental to make projective models in to use
available resources to meet the anticipated needs. In addition, computing
resources can be supplied as in-kind contributions by collaborating
institutions and...
S. Bagnasco
(INFN Torino)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
AliEn (ALICE Environment) is a GRID middleware developed and used in the context of ALICE, the CERN LHC
heavy-ion experiment. In order to run Data Challenges exploiting both AliEn “native” resources and any
infrastructure based on EDG-derived middleware (such as the LCG and the Italian GRID.IT), an interface
system was designed and implemented; some details of a prototype were already...
P. Cerello
(INFN Torino)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
Breast cancer screening programs require managing and accessing a
huge amount of data, intrinsically distributed, as they are collected
in different Hospitals. The development of an application based on
Computer Assisted Detection algorithms for the analysis of digitised
mammograms in a distributed environment is a typical GRID use case.
In particular, AliEn (ALICE Environment)...
(Lund University, Sweden)
9/29/04, 10:00 AM
The Nordic Grid facility (NorduGrid) came into production operation during
the summer of 2002 when the Scandinavian Atlas HEP group started to use
the Grid for the Atlas Data Challenges and was thus the first Grid ever
contributing to an Atlas production. Since then, the Grid facility has
been in continuous 24/7 operation offering an increasing number of
resources to a growing set of...
D. Smith
9/29/04, 2:00 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
for the BaBar Computing Group.
The analysis of the BaBar experiment requires many times the measured
data to be produced in simulation. This requirement has resulted in
one of the largest distributed computing projects ever completed.
The latest round of simulation for BaBar started in early 2003, and
completed in early 2004, and encompassed over 1 million jobs, and
over 2.2...
A. Rimoldi
9/29/04, 2:00 PM
The simulation for the ATLAS experiment is presently operational in a full OO
environment and it is presented here in terms of successful solutions to problems
dealing with application in a wide community using a common framework. The ATLAS
experiment is the perfect scenario where to test all applications able to satisfy the
different needs of a big community. Following a well stated...
D. Duellmann
9/29/04, 2:20 PM
The LCG POOL project is now entering the third year of active development. The basic functionality of the
project is provided but some functional extensions will move into the POOL system this year. This
presentation will give a summary of the main functionality provided by POOL, which used in physics
productions today. We will then present the design and implementation of the main new...
9/29/04, 2:20 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
The CMS 2004 Data Challenge (DC04) was devised to test several key
aspects of the CMS Computing Model in three ways: by trying to
sustain a 25 Hz reconstruction rate at the Tier-0; by distributing
the reconstructed data to six Tier-1 Regional Centers (FNAL in US,
FZK in Germany, Lyon in France, CNAF in Italy, PIC in Spain, RAL in
UK) and handling catalogue issues; by redistributing...
M. Richter
(Department of Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Norway)
9/29/04, 2:20 PM
The ALICE experiment at LHC will implement a High Level Trigger
System, where the information from all major detectors are combined,
including the TPC, TRD, DIMUON, ITS etc. The largest computing
challenge is imposed by the TPC, requiring realtime pattern
recognition. The main task is to reconstruct the tracks in the TPC,
and in a final stage combine the tracking information from all...
A. Moibenko
9/29/04, 2:20 PM
Fermilab has developed and successively uses Enstore Data Storage
System. It is a primary data store for the Run II Collider Experiments,
as well as for the others. It provides data storage in robotic tape libraries
according to requirements of the experiments. High fault tolerance and
availability, as well as multilevel priority based request processing
allows experiments to effectively...
A. Klimentov
9/29/04, 2:40 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
AMS-02 Computing and Ground Data Handling.
V.Choutko (MIT, Cambridge), A.Klimentov (MIT, Cambridge) and
M.Pohl (Geneva University)
AMS (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer) is an experiment to search in
space for dark matter and antimatter on the International Space
Station (ISS). The AMS detector had a precursor flight in 1998 (STS-
91, June 2-12, 1998)....
P. Sheldon
9/29/04, 2:40 PM
The BTeV experiment, a proton/antiproton collider experiment at the Fermi National
Accelerator Laboratory, will have a trigger that will perform complex computations
(to reconstruct vertices, for example) on every collision (as opposed to the more
traditional approach of employing a first level hardware based trigger). This
trigger requires large-scale fault adaptive embedded software: ...
C. Steenberg
(California Institute of Technology)
9/29/04, 2:40 PM
Clarens enables distributed, secure and high-performance access to the
worldwide data storage, compute, and information Grids being constructed in
anticipation of the needs of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. We report on
the rapid progress in the development of a second server implementation in
the Java language, the evolution of a peer-to-peer network of Clarens
servers, and general...
M. Cardenas Montes
9/29/04, 2:40 PM
Implementing strategies for secured access to widely accessible
clusters is a basic requirement of these services, in particular if
GRID integration is sought for. This issue has two complementary
lines to be considered: security perimeter and intrusion detection
systems. In this paper we address aspects of the second one.
Compared to classical intrusion detection mechanisms, close...
R. Panse
9/29/04, 3:00 PM
Super-computers will be replaced more and more by PC cluster
systems. Also future LHC experiments will use large PC clusters.
These clusters will consist of off-the-shelf PCs, which in general
are not built to run in a PC farm. Configuring, monitoring and
controlling such clusters requires a serious amount of time
consuming and administrative effort.
We propose a cheap and easy...
A. Fanfani
9/29/04, 3:00 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
In March-April 2004 the CMS experiment undertook a Data Challenge(DC04).
During the previous 8 months CMS undertook a large simulated event
production. The goal of the challenge was to run CMS reconstruction for
sustained period at 25Hz input rate, distribute the data to the CMS Tier-1
centers and analyze them at remote sites. Grid environments developed in
Europe by the LHC...
9/29/04, 3:00 PM
The STAR Collaboration is currently using simulation software
based on Geant 3. The emergence of the new Monte Carlo
simulation packages, coupled with evolution of both STAR
detector and its software, requires a drastic change of
the simulation framework.
We see the Virtual Monte Carlo (VMC) approach as providing
a layer of abstraction that facilitates such transition.
The VMC...
9/29/04, 3:20 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
Most of the simulated events for the DZero experiment at Fermilab have been
historically produced by the “remote” collaborating institutions. One of the
principal challenges reported concerns the maintenance of the local software
infrastructure, which is generally different from site to site. As the understanding
of the community on distributed computing over distributively owned and...
A. McNab
9/29/04, 3:20 PM
We describe the GridSite authorization system, developed by GridPP and the
EU DataGrid project for access control in High Energy Physics grid
environments with distributed virtual organizations. This system provides a
general toolkit of common functions, including the evaluation of access
policies (in GACL or XACML), the manipulation of digital credentials
(X.509, GSI Proxies or VOMS...
O. van der Aa
9/29/04, 3:20 PM
The observation of Higgs bosons predicted in supersymmetric theories
will be a challenging task for the CMS experiment at the LHC, in
particular for its High Level trigger (HLT). A prototype of the
High Level Trigger software to be used in the filter farm of the CMS
experiment and for the filtering of monte carlo samples will be
presented. The implemented prototype heavily uses...
N. Konstantinidis
9/29/04, 3:40 PM
We present a set of algorithms for fast pattern recognition and track
reconstruction using 3D space points aimed for the High Level
Triggers (HLT) of multi-collision hadron collider environments. At
the LHC there are several interactions per bunch crossing separated
along the beam direction, z. The strategy we follow is to (a)
identify the z-position of the interesting interaction...
A. Heiss
9/29/04, 3:40 PM
Distributed physics analysis techniques as provided by the rootd
and proofd concepts require a fast and efficient interconnect between
the nodes. Apart from the required bandwidth the latency of message
transfers is important, in particular in environments with many nodes.
Ethernet is known to have large latencies, between 30 and 60 micro seconds for
the common Giga-bit Ethernet.
T. Shears
(University of Liverpool)
9/29/04, 3:40 PM
The Level 1 and High Level triggers for the LHCb experiment are
software triggers which will be implemented on a farm of about 1800
CPUs, connected to the detector read-out system by a large Gigabit
Ethernet LAN with a capacity of 8 Gigabyte/s and some 500 Gigabit
Ethernet links. The architecture of the readout network must be
designed to maximise data throughput, control data flow,...
T. Barrass
9/29/04, 3:40 PM
CMS currently uses a number of tools to transfer data which, taken together, form
the basis of a heterogenous datagrid. The range of tools used, and the directed,
rather than optimised nature of CMS recent large scale data challenge required the
creation of a simple infrastructure that allowed a range of tools to operate in a
complementary way.
The system created comprises a...
A. Peters
9/29/04, 3:40 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
During the first half of 2004 the ALICE experiment has performed a large distributed
computing exercise with two major objectives: to test the ALICE computing model,
included distributed analysis, and to provide data sample for a refinement of the
ALICE Jet physics Monte-Carlo studies. Simulation reconstruction and analysis of
several hundred thousand events were performed, using the...
C. Jones
9/29/04, 4:30 PM
HEP analysis is an iterative process. It is critical that in each iteration the physicist's analysis job accesses the
same information as previous iterations (unless explicitly told to do otherwise). This becomes problematic
after the data has been reconstructed several times. In addition, when starting a new analysis, physicists
normally want to use the most recent version of...
Manuel Dias-Gomez
(University of Geneva, Switzerland)
9/29/04, 4:30 PM
The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will face the challenge of
efficiently selecting interesting candidate events in pp collisions at 14 TeV center-
of-mass energy, whilst rejecting the enormous number of background events, stemming
from an interaction rate of about 10^9 Hz. The Level-1 trigger will reduce the
incoming rate to around O(100 kHz). Subsequently, the...
V. Gyurjyan
(Jefferson Lab)
9/29/04, 4:30 PM
A general overview of the Jefferson Lab data acquisition run control system is presented.
This run control system is designed to operate the configuration, control, and
monitoring of all Jefferson Lab experiments. It controls data-taking activities by
coordinating the operation of DAQ sub-systems, online software components and
third-party software such as external slow control...
J. Closier
9/29/04, 4:30 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
The LHCb experiment performed its latest Data Challenge (DC) in May-July 2004.
The main goal was to demonstrate the ability of the LHCb grid system to carry out
massive production and efficient distributed analysis of the simulation data.
The LHCb production system called DIRAC provided all the necessary services for the
DC: Production and Bookkeeping Databases, File catalogs, Workload...
M. Mambelli
9/29/04, 4:50 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
We describe the design and operational experience of the ATLAS production system as
implemented for execution on Grid3 resources. The execution environment consisted
of a number of grid-based tools: Pacman for installation of VDT-based Grid3 services
and ATLAS software releases, the Capone execution service built from the
Chimera/Pegasus virtual data system for directed acyclic graph...
E. Neilsen
9/29/04, 4:50 PM
The lattice gauge theory community produces large volumes of
data. Because the data produced by completed computations form the
basis for future work, the maintenance of archives of existing data
and metadata describing the provenance, generation parameters, and
derived characteristics of that data is essential not only as a
reference, but also as a basis for future work. Development of...
G. Carcassi
9/29/04, 5:10 PM
We present a work-in-progress system, called GUMS, which automates
the processes of Grid user registration and management and supports
policy-aware authorization at well. GUMS builds on existing VO
management tools (LDAP VO, VOMS and VOMRS) with a local grid user
management system and a site database which stores user credentials,
accounting history and policies in XML format. We use...
M. Case
9/29/04, 5:10 PM
The CMS Detector Description Database (DDD) consists of a C++ API and an XML based
detector description language. DDD is used by the CMS simulation (OSCAR),
reconstruction (ORCA), and visualization (IGUANA) as well by test beam software that
relies on those systems. The DDD is a sub-system within the COBRA framework of the
CMS Core Software. Management of the XML is currently done using a...
M. Steinke
(Ruhr Universitaet Bochum)
9/29/04, 5:10 PM
In the past year, BaBar has shifted from using Objectivity to using ROOT I/O
as the basis for our primary event store. This shift required a total
reworking of Kanga, our ROOT-based data storage format. We took advantage
of this opportunity to ease the use of the data by supporting multiple
access modes that make use of many of the analysis tools available in
Specifically, our...
Richard Mount
9/29/04, 5:10 PM
9/29/04, 5:10 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
This talk describes the various stages of ATLAS Data Challenge 2 (DC2)
in what concerns usage of resources deployed via NorduGrid's Advanced
Resource Connector (ARC). It also describes the integration of these
resources with the ATLAS production system using the Dulcinea
ATLAS Data Challenge 2 (DC2), run in 2004, was designed to be a step
forward in the distributed data...
T. Perelmutov
9/29/04, 5:10 PM
Storage Resource Managers (SRMs) are middleware components whose function is to
provide dynamic space allocation and file management on shared storage components on
the Grid. SRMs support protocol negotiation and reliable replication mechanism. The
SRM standard allows independent institutions to implement their own SRMs, thus
allowing for a uniform access to heterogeneous storage...
A. Amorim
9/29/04, 5:30 PM
The size and complexity of the present HEP experiments
represents an enormous effort in the persistency of data. These efforts imply
a tremendous investment in the databases field not only for the event data
but also for data that is needed to qualify this one - the Conditions Data.
In the present document we'll describe the strategy for addressing the
Conditions data problem in the...
G. Watts
9/29/04, 5:30 PM
The DZERO Collider Expermient logs many of its Data Aquisition Monitoring
Information in long term storage. This information is most frequently used to
understand shift history and efficiency. Approximately two kilobytes of information
is stored every 15 second. We describe this system and the web interface provided.
The current system is distributed, running on Linux for the back end...
Y. Iida
9/29/04, 5:30 PM
The Belle experiment has accumulated an integrated luminosity of more than 240fb-1
so far, and a daily logged luminosity now exceeds 800pb-1. These numbers correspond
to more than 1PB of raw and processed data stored on tape and an accumulation of
the raw data at the rate of 1TB/day. The processed, compactified data, together
with Monte Carlo simulation data for the final physics...
S. Wynhoff
9/29/04, 5:30 PM
We report on the software for Object-oriented Reconstruction for CMS
Analysis, ORCA. It is based on the Coherent Object-oriented Base for
Reconstruction, Analysis and simulation (COBRA) and used for
digitization and reconstruction of simulated Monte-Carlo events as
well as testbeam data.
For the 2004 data challenge the functionality of the software has
been extended to store...
I. Gaponenko
9/29/04, 5:50 PM
A new, completely redesigned Condition/DB was deployed in BaBar in October 2002. It
replaced the old database software used through the first three and half years of
data taking.
The new software aims at performance and scalability limitations of the original
database. However this major redesign brought in a new model of the metadata, brand
new technology- and implementation-...
J. Katzy
9/29/04, 5:50 PM
During the years 2000 and 2001 the HERA machine and the H1
experiment performed substantial luminosity upgrades. To cope with
the increased demands on data handling an effort was made to
redesign and modernize the analysis software. Main goals were to
lower turn-around time for physics analysis by providing a single
framework for data storage, event selection, physics analysis and...
T.M. Steinbeck
9/29/04, 6:10 PM
The Alice High Level Trigger (HLT) cluster is foreseen to consist of
400 to 500 dual SMP PCs at the start-up of the experiment. The
software running on these PCs will consist of components
communicating via a defined interface, allowing flexible software
configurations. During Alice's operation the HLT has to be
continuously active to avoid detector dead time. To ensure that the...
C. Pruneau
9/29/04, 6:10 PM
We present the design and performance analysis of a new event reconstruction chain deployed for analysis of
STAR data acquired during the 2004 run and beyond. The creation of this new chain involved the elimination
of obsolete FORTRAN components, and the development of equivalent or superior modules written in C++.
The new reconstruction chain features a new and fast TPC cluster finder,...
(University of Geneva)
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
We have developed a c++ software package, called "RecPack",
which allows the reconstruction of dynamic trajectories in any experimental setup.
The basic utility of the package is the fitting of trajectories in the presence
of random and systematic perturbations to the system
(multiple scattering, energy loss, inhomogeneous magnetic fields, etc)
via a Kalman Filter fit. It also...
F. Gray
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
The muCap experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) will measure the rate of
muon capture on the proton to a precision of 1% by comparing the apparent lifetimes
of positive and negative muons in hydrogen. This rate may be related to the induced
pseudoscalar weak form factor of the proton.
Superficially, the muCap apparatus looks something like a miniature model of a
W. Waltenberger
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
State of the art in the field of fitting particle tracks to one
vertex is the Kalman technique. This least-squares (LS) estimator is
known to be ideal in the case of perfect assignment of tracks to
vertices and perfectly known Gaussian errors. Experimental data and
detailed simulations always depart from this perfect model. The
imperfections can be expected to be larger in high...
A. Undrus
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
Software testing is a difficult, time-consuming process that
requires technical sophistication and proper planning. This
is especially true for the large-scale software projects of
High Energy Physics where constant modifications and
enhancements are typical. The automated nightly testing is
the important component of NICOS, NIghtly COntrol System,
that manages the multi-platform nightly...
M. Stoufer
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
As any software project grows in both its collaborative and mixed codebase nature,
current tools like CVS and Maven start to sag under the pressure of complex
sub-project dependencies and versioning. A developer-wide failure in mastery of these
tools will inevitably lead to an unrecoverable instability of a project. Even keeping
a single software project stable in a large collaborative...
V. Onuchin
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
Carrot is a scripting module for the Apache webserver. Based on the
ROOT framework, it has a number of powerful features, including the
ability to embed C++ code into HTML pages, run interpreted and
compiled C++ macros, send and execute C++ code on remote web
servers, browse and analyse the remote data located in ROOT files
with the web browser, access and manipulate databases, and...
A. Zaytsev
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
CMD-3 is the general purpose cryogenic magnetic detector for VEPP-2000
electron-positron collider, which is being commissioned at Budker Institute of
Nuclear Physics (BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia). The main aspects of physical program of
the experiment are study of known and search for new vector mesons, study of the
ppbar a nnbar production cross sections in the vicinity of the threshold and...
K. Rabbertz
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
For data analysis in an international collaboration it is important
to have an efficient procedure to distribute, install and update the
centrally maintained software. This is even more true when not only
locally but also grid accessible resources are to be exploited.
A practical solution will be presented that has been successfully employed
for CMS software installations on systems...
M.S. Mennea
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
This document will review the design considerations, implementations
and performance of the CMS Tracker Visualization tools. In view of
the great complexity of this subdetector (more than 50 millions
channels organized in 17000 modules each one of these being a
complete detector), the standard CMS visualisation tools (IGUANA and
IGUANACMS) that provide basic 3D capabilities and...
(Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
Conditions Databases are beginning to be widely used in the ATLAS
experiment. Conditions data are time-varying data describing the state of the
detector used to reconstruct the event data. This includes all sorts of slowly
evolving data like detector alignment, calibration, monitoring and data from Detector
Control System (DCS).
In this paper we'll present the interfaces between the...
W. Waltenberger
(Austrian Academy of Sciences // Institute of High Energy Physics)
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
A proposal is made for the design and implementation of a detector-independent vertex
reconstruction toolkit and interface to generic objects (VERTIGO). The first stage aims at re-
using existing state-of-the-art algorithms for geometric vertex finding and fitting by both linear
(Kalman filter) and robust estimation methods. Prototype candidates for the latter are a wide
range of...
V M. Moreira do Amaral
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
There is a permanent quest for user friendliness in HEP Analysis. This
growing need is directly proportional to the analysis frameworks'
interface complexity. In fact, the user is provided with an analysis
framework that makes use of a General Purpose Language to program the
query algorithms. Usually the user finds this overwhelming, since he
or she is presented with the complexity of...
S. Pardi
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
The algorithms for the detection of gravitational waves are usually very complex
due to the low signal to noise ratio. In particular the search for signals coming
from coalescing binary systems can be very demanding in terms of computing power,
like in the case of the classical Standard Matched Filter Technique. To overcome
this problem, we tested a Dynamic Matched Filter Technique,...
B. White
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
The Electron Gamma Shower (EGS) Code System at SLAC is designed to simulate the flow
of electrons, positrons and photons through matter at a wide range of energies. It
has a large user base among the high-energy physics community and is often used as a
teaching tool through a Web interface that allows program input and output. Our work
aims to improve the user interaction and shower...
S. Guatelli
(INFN Genova, Italy)
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
The study of the effects of space radiation on astronauts in an important concern of
space missions for the exploration of the Solar System. The radiation hazard to crew
is critical to the feasibility of interplanetary manned missions.
To protect the crew, shielding must be designed, the environment must be
anticipated and monitored, and a warning system must be put in place.
M. Biglietti
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
At LHC the 40 MHz bunch crossing rate dictates a high selectivity of the
ATLAS Trigger system, which has to keep the full physics potential of the
experiment in spite of a limited storage capability.
The level-1 trigger, implemented in a custom hardware, will reduce the
initial rate to 75 kHz and is followed by the software based level-2
and Event Filter, usually referred as High Level...
A. Schmidt
(Institut fuer Experimentelle Kernphysik, Karlsruhe University, Germany)
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
At CHEP03 we introduced "Physics Analysis eXpert" (PAX), a C++ toolkit
for advanced physics analyses in High Energy Physics (HEP)
experiments. PAX introduces a new level of abstraction beyond detector
reconstruction and provides a general, persistent container model for
HEP events. Physics objects like fourvectors, vertices and collisions
can easiliy be stored, accessed and manipulated....
G B. Barrand
(CNRS / IN2P3 / LAL)
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
OpenPAW is for people that definitively do not want
to quit the PAW command prompt, but seek anyway
an implementation based over more modern technologies.
We shall present the OpenScientist/Lab/opaw program
that offers a PAW command prompt by using the OpenScientist
tools (then C++, Inventor for doing graphic, Rio for doing
the IO, OnX for the GUI, etc...). The OpenScientist/Lab...
C. Jones
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
A common task for a reconstruction/analysis system is to be able to
output different sets of events to different permanent data stores
(e.g. files). This allows multiple related logical jobs to be grouped
into one process and run using the same input data (read from a
permanent data store and/or created from an algorithm). In our
system, physicists can specify multiple output 'paths',...
S. Cucciarelli
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
The Pixel Detector is the innermost one in the tracking system of the
Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. It provides the most precise
measurements not only supporting the full track reconstruction but
also allowing the standalone reconstruction useful especially for
the online event selection at High-Level Trigger (HLT). The
performance of the Pixel Detector is given. The HLT...
V. Kuznetsov
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
Linux operating system has become the platform of choice in the HEP community.
However, the migration process from another operating system to Linux can
be a tremendous effort for developers and system administrators.
The ultimate goal of such a transition is to maximize agreement between the
final results of identical calculations on the different platforms.
Apart from the fine tuning of...
I. Reguero
J A. Lopez-Perez
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
Our goal is two fold. On one hand we wanted to address the interest of
CMS users to have LCG Physics analysis environment on Solaris. On the
other hand we wanted to assess the difficulty of porting code written in
Linux without particular attention to portability to other Unix
implementations. Our initial assumption was that the difficulty would be
manageable even for a very small team....
G B. Barrand
(CNRS / IN2P3 / LAL)
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
Rio (for ROOT IO) is a rewriting of the file IO system of ROOT.
We shall present our strong motivations of doing this
tedious work. We shall present the main choices done
in the Rio implementation (then by opposition to what we
don't like in ROOT). For example, we shall say why
we believe that an IO package is not a drawing package (no
TClass::Draw) ;
why someone should use...
P. Nevski
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
The ATLAS detector is a sophisticated multi-purpose detector with
over 10 million electronics channels designed to study high-pT
physics at LHC. Due to their high multiplicity, reaching almost
hundred thousand particles per event, heavy ion collisions pose a
formidable computational challenge. A set of tools have been created
to realistically simulate and fully reconstruct the most...
C. Jones
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
Generic programming as exemplified by the C++ standard library makes
use of functions or function objects (objects that accept function
syntax) to specialize generic algorithms for particular uses. Such
separation improves code reuse without sacrificing efficiency. We
employed this same technique in our combinatoric engine: DChain. In
DChain, physicists combine lists of child particles...
A. Pfeiffer
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
In the context of the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) project, the Applications Area
develops and maintains that part of the physics applications software and
associated infrastructure that is shared among the LHC experiments.
The Physicist Interface (PI) project of the LCG Application Area encompasses
the interfaces and tools by which physicists will directly use the software.
M. Whalley
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
We will describe the plans and objectives of the recently funded PPARC(UK) e-science
project, the Combined E-Science Data Analysis Resource for High Energy Physics
(CEDAR), which will combine the strengths of the well established and widely used
HEPDATA library of HEP data and the innovative JETWEB Data/Monte Carlo comparison
facility built on the HZTOOL package and which exploits...
V. Tioukov
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
OPERA is a massive lead/emulsion target for a long-baseline neutrino
oscillation search. More then 90% of the useful experimental data in OPERA
will be produced by the scanning of emulsion plates with the automatic microscopes.
The main goal of the data processing in OPERA will be the search, analysis and
identification of primary and secondary vertexes produced by neutrino in...
L. Nellen
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
The Pierre Auger Observatory consists of two sites with several
semi-autonomous detection systems. Each component, and in some cases
each event, provides a preferred coordinate system for simulation and
analysis. To avoid a proliferation of coordinate systems in the
offline software of the Pierre Auger Observatory, we have developed a
geometry package that allows the treatment of...
A. Salzburger
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
The ATLAS reconstruction software requires extrapolation to arbitrary oriented
surfaces of different types inside a non-uniform magnetic field. In addition multiple
scattering and energy loss effects along the propagated trajectories have to be taken
into account. A good performace in respect of computing time consumption is crucial
due to hit and track multiplicity in high luminosity...
D. Klose
(Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
A common LCG architecture for the Conditions Database for the time
evolving data enables the possibility to separate the interval-of-
validity (IOV) information from the conditions data payload. The two
approaches can be beneficial in different cases and separation
presents challenges for efficient knowledge discovery, navigation and
data visualization. In our paper we describe the...
C. Leggett
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
It is essential to provide users transparent access to time varying
data, such as detector misalignments, calibration parameters and the
like. This data should be automatically updated, without user
intervention, whenever it changes. Furthermore, the user should be
able to be notified whenever a particular datum is updated, so as to
perform actions such as re-caching of compound results,...
A. Kulikov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia.)
9/30/04, 10:00 AM
Using the modern 3D visualization software and hardware to represent
the object models of the HEP detectors would create the impressive
pictures of events and the detail views of the detectors facilitating
the design, simulation and data analysis and representation the huge
amount of the information flooding the modern HEP experiments. In this
paper we represent the work made by members...
Bo Anders Ynnerman
9/30/04, 11:00 AM
This talk gives a brief overview of recent development of high
performance computing and Grid initiatives in the Nordic region. Emphasis
will be placed on the technology and policy demands posed by the integration
of general purpose supercomputing centers into Grid environments. Some of
the early experiences of bridging national eBorders in the Nordic region
will also be...
B. White
9/30/04, 2:00 PM
oral presentation
During a recent visit to SLAC, Tim Berners-Lee challenged the High
Energy Physics community to identify and implement HEP resources to
which Semantic Web technologies could be applied. This challenge
comes at a time when a number of other scientific disciplines (for
example, bioinformatics and chemistry) have taken a strong
initiative in making information resources compatible with...
9/30/04, 2:00 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
Project SETI@HOME has proven to be one of the biggest successes of
distributed computing during the last years. With a quite simple
approach SETI manages to process huge amounts of data using a vast
amount of distributed computer power.
To extend the generic usage of these kinds of distributed computing
tools, BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) is
N. Neumeister
9/30/04, 2:00 PM
The CMS detector has a sophisticated four-station muon system made up of tracking chambers (Drift Tubes,
Cathode Strip Chambers) and dedicated trigger chambers. A muon reconstruction software based on Kalman
filter techniques has been developed which reconstructs muons in the standalone muon system, using
information from all three types of muon detectors, and links the resulting muon...
I. Hrivnacova
9/30/04, 2:00 PM
In order for physicist to easily benefit from the different existing
geometry tools used within the community, the Virtual Geometry Model
(VGM) has been designed. In the VGM we introduce the abstract interfaces
to geometry objects and an abstract factory for geometry construction,
import and export. The interfaces to geometry objects were defined to be
suitable to describe "geant-like"...
G. Lo Re
(INFN & CNAF Bologna)
9/30/04, 2:20 PM
Next generation high energy physics experiments planned at the CERN
Large Hadron Collider is so demanding in terms of both computing
power and mass storage that data and CPU's can not be concentrated in
a single site and will be distributed on a computational Grid
according to a "multi-tier".
LHC experiments are made of several thousands of people from a few
hundreds of institutes...
P E. Tissot-Daguette
9/30/04, 2:20 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
The AliEn system, an implementation of the Grid paradigm developed by
the ALICE Offline Project, is currently being used to produce and
analyse Monte Carlo data at over 30 sites on four continents. The
AliEn Web Portal is built around Open Source components with a
backend based on Grid Services and compliant with the OGSA model.
An easy and intuitive presentation layer gives the...
I. Kisel
9/30/04, 2:20 PM
Typical central Au-Au collision in the CBM experiment (GSI, Germany) will produce up
to 700 tracks in the inner tracker. Large track multiplicity together with presence
of nonhomogeneous magnetic field make reconstruction of events complicated.
A cellular automaton method is used to reconstruct tracks in the inner tracker. The
cellular automaton algorithm creates short track segments...
9/30/04, 2:20 PM
While many success stories can be told as a product of the Grid middleware
developments, most of the existing systems relying on workflow and job execution are
based on integration of self-contained production systems interfacing with a given
scheduling component or portal, or directly uses the base component of the Grid
middleware (globus-job-run, globus-job-submit). However, such systems...
M. Sutton
9/30/04, 2:20 PM
The current design, implementation and performance of the ZEUS global
tracking trigger barrel algorithm are described. The ZEUS global
tracking trigger integrates track information from the ZEUS central
tracking chamber (CTD) and micro vertex detector (MVD) to obtain a
global picture of the track topology in the ZEUS detector at the
second level trigger stage. Algorithm processing is...
R. Cavanaugh
9/30/04, 2:40 PM
A grid consists of high-end computational, storage, and network resources that,
while known a priori, are dynamic with respect to activity and availability.
Efficient co-scheduling of requests to use grid resources must adapt to this
dynamic environment while meeting administrative policies. We discusses
the necessary requirements of such a scheduler and introduce a distributed...
9/30/04, 2:40 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
The ARDA project was started in April 2004 to support
the four LHC experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb)
in the implementation of individual
production and analysis environments based on the EGEE middleware.
The main goal of the project is to allow a fast feedback between the
experiment and the middleware development teams via the
construction and the usage of end-to-end...
V. Tsulaia
9/30/04, 2:40 PM
The GeoModel toolkit is a library of geometrical primitives that can be
used to describe detector geometries. The toolkit is designed as a data
layer, and especially optimized in order to be able to describe large and
complex detector systems with minimum memory consumption. Some of the
techniques used to minimize the memory consumption are: shared instancing
with reference counting,...
(NorthEastern University, Boston, USA)
9/30/04, 3:00 PM
This paper describes recent developments in the IGUANA (Interactive Graphics for User
ANAlysis) project. IGUANA is a generic framework and toolkit, used by CMS and D0, to
build a variety of interactive applications such as detector and event visualisation
and interactive GEANT3 and GEANT4 browsers.
IGUANA is a freely available toolkit based on open-source components including...
M. Ballintijn
9/30/04, 3:00 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
The Parallel ROOT Facility, PROOF, enables a physicist to analyze and
understand very large data sets on an interactive time scale. It makes use
of the inherent parallelism in event data and implements an architecture
that optimizes I/O and CPU utilization in heterogeneous clusters with
distributed storage. Scaling to many hundreds of servers is essential
to process tens or hundreds of...
J. Tanaka
9/30/04, 3:00 PM
We have measured the performance of data transfer between CERN
and our laboratory, ICEPP, at the University of Tokyo in Japan.
The ICEPP will be one of the so-called regional centers for handling
the data from the ATLAS experiment which will start data taking in 2007.
More than petabytes of data are expected to be generated from the experiment
each year. It is therefore essential to...
D. Adams
9/30/04, 3:20 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
The ATLAS distributed analysis (ADA) system is described. The ATLAS
experiment has more that 2000 physicists from 150 insititutions in
34 countries. Users, data and processing are distributed over these
sites. ADA makes use of a collection of high-level web services
whose interfaces are expressed in terms of AJDL (abstract job
definition language) which includes descriptions of...
M. Sgaravatto
(INFN Padova)
9/30/04, 3:20 PM
Resource management and scheduling of distributed, data-driven
applications in a Grid environment are challenging problems. Although
significant results were achieved in the past few years, the
development and the proper deployment of generic, reliable, standard
components present issues that still need to be completely
solved. Interested domains include workload management,...
Y. Kodama
9/30/04, 3:20 PM
It is important that the total bandwidth of the multiple streams should
not exceed the network bandwidth in order to achieve a stable network
flow with high performance in high bandwidth-delay product networks.
Software control of bandwidth for each stream sometimes exceed the
specified bandwidth. We proposed the hardware control technique for
total bandwidth of multiple streams with...
J. Drohan
(University College London)
9/30/04, 3:20 PM
We describe the philosophy and design of Atlantis, an event visualisation
program for the ATLAS experiment at CERN. Written in Java, it employs the
Swing API to provide an easily configurable Graphical User Interface.
Atlantis implements a collection of intuitive, data-orientated 2D
projections, which enable the user to quickly understand and visually
investigate complete ATLAS events....
F. van Lingen
9/30/04, 3:40 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
In this paper we report on the implementation of an early prototype
of distributed high-level services supporting grid-enabled data
analysis within the LHC physics community as part of the ARDA project
within the context of the GAE (Grid Analysis Environment) and begin
to investigate the associated complex behaviour of such an
end-to-end system. In particular, the prototype...
B K. Kim
M. Mambelli
(University of Chicago)
9/30/04, 3:40 PM
Grid computing involves the close coordination of many different sites which offer
distinct computational and storage resources to the Grid user community. The
resources at each site need to be monitored continuously. Static and dynamic site
information need to be presented to the user community in a simple and efficient
This paper will present both the design and...
G B. Barrand
(CNRS / IN2P3 / LAL)
9/30/04, 3:40 PM
Panoramix is an event display for LHCb. LaJoconde is
an interactive environment over DaVinci, the analysis
software layer for LHCb. We shall present global
technological choices behind these two softwares : GUI,
graphic, scripting, plotting. We shall present the connection
to the framework (Gaudi), how we can integrate other tools like
hippodraw. We shall present the overall...
D. Brown
9/30/04, 3:40 PM
This talk will describe the new analysis computing model deployed by
BaBar over the past year. The new model was designed to better
support the current and future needs of physicists analyzing data,
and to improve BaBar's analysis computing efficiency.
The use of RootIO in the new model is described in other talks.
Babar's new analysis data content format contains both high and low...
M. Grigoriev
9/30/04, 3:40 PM
Large, distributed HEP collaborations, such as D0, CDF and US-CMS,
depend on stable and robust network paths between major world
research centers. The evolving emphasis on data and compute Grids
increases the reliance on network performance.
FermiLab's experimental groups and network support personnel
identified a critical need for WAN monitoring to ensure the quality
and efficient...
(I.N.F.N. ROMA3)
9/30/04, 4:30 PM
A full slice of the barrel detector of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
is being tested this year with beams of pions, muons, electrons and
photons in the energy range 1-300 GeV in the H8 area of the CERN
SPS. It is a challenging exercise since, for the first time, the
complete software suite developed for the full ATLAS experiment
has been extended for use with real detector data,...
9/30/04, 4:30 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
Any physicist who will analyse data from the LHC experiments will have to deal with
data and computing resources which are distributed across multiple locations and with
different access methods. GANGA helps the end user by tying in specifically to the
solutions for a given experiment ranging from specification of data to retrieval and
post-processing of produced output. For LHCb and ATLAS...
N. De Bortoli
9/30/04, 4:50 PM
GridICE is a monitoring service for the Grid, it measures
significant Grid related resources parameters in order to analyze
usage, behavior and performance of the Grid and/or to detect and
notify fault situations, contract violations, and user-defined
events. In its first implementation, the notification service
relies on a simple model based on a pre-defined set of events.
The growing...
(University of Wuppertal)
9/30/04, 4:50 PM
Analyses in high-energy physics often involve the filling of large
amounts of histograms from n-tuple like data structures, e.g. RooT
trees. Even when using an object-oriented framework like RooT, a the
user code often follows a functional programming approach, where
booking, application of cuts, calculation of weights and
histogrammed quantities and finally the filling of the...
N. De Filippis
9/30/04, 4:50 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
During the CMS Data Challenge 2004 a realtime analysis was attempted
at INFN and PIC Tier-1 and Tier-2s in order to test the ability of
the instrumented methods to quickly process the data.
Several agents and automatic procedures were implemented to perform
the analysis at the Tier-1/2 synchronously with the data transfer
from Tier-0 at CERN. The system was implemented in the Grid...
T. Speer
9/30/04, 5:10 PM
A vertex fit algorithm was developed based on the Gaussian-sum filter
(GSF) and implemented in the framework of the CMS reconstruction
program. While linear least-squares estimators are optimal in case
all observation errors are Gaussian distributed, the GSF offers a
better treatment of the non-Gaussian distribution of track parameter
errors when these are modeled by Gaussian...
D. Smith
9/30/04, 5:10 PM
The BaBar experiment has migrated its event store from an
objectivity based system to a system using ROOT-files, and along
with this has developed a new bookkeeping design. This bookkeeping
now combines data production, quality control, event store
inventory, distribution of BaBar data to sites and user analysis in
one central place, and is based on collections of data stored as...
R. Hughes-Jones
9/30/04, 5:10 PM
How do we get High Throughput data transport to real users? The MB-NG project is a
major collaboration which brings together expertise from users, industry, equipment
providers and leading edge e-science application developers. Major successes in the
areas of Quality of Service (QoS) and managed bandwidth have provided a leading edge
U.K. Diffserv enabled network running at 2.5 Gbit/s....
K. Wu
9/30/04, 5:10 PM
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
oral presentation
Nuclear and High Energy Physics experiments such as STAR at BNL are
generating millions of files with PetaBytes of data each year. In
most cases, analysis programs have to read all events in a file in
order to find the interesting ones.
Since most analyses are only interested in some subsets of events in
a number of files, a significant portion of the computer time is
wasted on...
M. Sanchez-Garcia
9/30/04, 5:30 PM
The LHCb Data Challenge 04 includes the simulation of over 200 M
simulated events using distributed computing resources on N sites and
extending along 3 months. To achieve this goal a dedicated Production
grid (DIRAC) has been deployed. We will present the Job
Monitoring and Accounting services developed to follow the status of
the production along its way and to evaluate the results at...
M.G. Pia
9/30/04, 5:30 PM