27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Distributed Filesystem Evaluation and Deployment at the US-CMS Tier-1 Center

28 Sept 2004, 10:00
Coffee (Interlaken, Switzerland)


Interlaken, Switzerland

Board: 16
poster Track 6 - Computer Fabrics Poster Session 1


L. Lisa Giacchetti (FERMILAB)


The scalable serving of shared filesystems across large clusters of computing resources continues to be a difficult problem in high energy physics computing. The US CMS group at Fermilab has performed a detailed evaluation of hardware and software solutions to allow filesysystem access to data from computing systems. The goal of the evaluation was to arrive at a solution that was able to meet the growing needs of the US-CMS Tier-1 facility. The system needed to be scalable and be able to grow with the increasing size of the facility, load balanced and with high performance for data access, reliable and redundant with protection against failures, and manageable and supportable given a reasonable level of effort. Over the course of a one year evaluation the group developed a suite of tools to analysis performance and reliability under load conditions, and then applied these tools to evaluations systems at Fermilab. In this presentation we will describe the suite of tools developed, the results of the evaluation process, the system and architecture that were eventually chosen, and the experience so far supporting a user community.

Primary authors

D. Fagan (FERMILAB) J. kaiser (FERMILAB) L. Lisa Giacchetti (FERMILAB) M. Ernst (DESY) R. Pasetes (FERMILAB)

Presentation materials

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