27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone


BOF : Semantic Web applications in HEP

30 Sept 2004, 14:00
Interlaken, Switzerland

Interlaken, Switzerland


BOF : Semantic Web applications in HEP: Discussion

  • Bebo White (SLAC)


During a recent visit to SLAC, Tim Berners-Lee challenged the High Energy Physics community to identify and implement HEP resources to which Semantic Web technologies could be applied. This challenge comes at a time when a number of other scientific disciplines (for example, bioinformatics and chemistry) have taken a strong initiative in making information resources compatible with Semantic Web technologies and in the development of associated tools and applications.

The CHEP conference series has a strong history of identifying and encouraging adoption of new technologies. The most notable of these technologies include the Web itself and Grid computing. The Semantic Web could have a similar potential.

Topics of discussion in this BoF include (but are not limited to):
•Definition of the Semantic Web;
•Semantic Web component technologies;
•Review of current Semantic Web-related efforts in HEP;
•Semantic Web resources that are publicly available;
•What needs to be done next.

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