27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

The Virtual Organization Membership Service eXtension project (VOX)

29 Sept 2004, 17:30
Brunig 3 (Interlaken, Switzerland)

Brunig 3

Interlaken, Switzerland

oral presentation Track 4 - Distributed Computing Services Grid Security




Current grid development projects are being designed such that they require end users to be authenticated under the auspices of a "recognized" organization, called a Virtual Organization (VO). A VO must establish resource-usage agreements with grid resource providers. The VO is responsible for authorizing its members for grid computing privileges. The individual sites and resources typically enforce additional layers of authorization. The VOX project developed at Fermilab is an extension of VOMS, developed jointly for DataTAG by INFN and for DataGrid by CERN. The Virtual Organization Membership Registration Service (VOMRS) is a major component of the VOX project. VOMRS is a service that provides the means for registering members of a VO, and coordination of this process among the various VO and grid administrators. It consists of a database to maintain user registration and institutional information, a server to handle members' notification and synchronization with various interfaces, web services and a web user interface for the input of data into the database and manipulation of that data. The VOX project also includes a component for the Site AuthoriZation (SAZ), which allows security authorities at a site to control access to site resources and a component for the Local Resource Administration (LRAS), which associates the VO member with the local account and local resources on a grid cluster. The current state of deployment and future steps to improve the prototype and implement some new features will be presented.

Primary authors

A. Heavey (FERMILAB) D. Skow (Fermilab) E. Berman (FERMILAB) G. Carcassi (BNL) G. Graham (Fermilab) I. Fisk (Fermilab) J. Kaiser (Fermilab) J. Weigand (FERMILAB) L. Bauerdick (Fermilab) L. Grundhoefer (University of Indiana) R. Baker (BNL) R. Gardner (University of Chicago) R. Pordes (Fermilab) T. Levshina (FERMILAB) V. Sekhri (FERMILAB) Y. Wu (FERMILAB)

Presentation materials