A. Di Meglio
Software Configuration Management (SCM) Patterns and the Continuous Integration
method are recent and powerful techniques to enforce a common software
engineering process across large, heterogeneous, rapidly changing development
projects where a rapid release lifecycle is required. In particular the Continuous
Integration method allows tracking and addressing problems in the software
components integration as early as possible in the release cycle. Since new
incremental code builds are done several times per day, only small amounts of new
code is built and integrated at relatively short intervals. Developers are
notified of arising problems and integrators can pinpoint configuration and build
problems to the level of single files within any given software component. This
presents the implementation and the initial results of the application of such
techniques in the SCM and Integration of the EGEE Grid Middleware software. The
software is based on a Service Oriented Architecture model where services are
developed in different programming languages by development groups in several
European locations under stringent quality requirements. A number of basic SCM
patterns, such as the Workspace, the Active Line, the Repository, are introduced and
the Continuous Integration tools used in the project are presented with a
discussion of
the advantages and disadvantages of using the method.
A. Di Meglio