(I.N.F.N. ROMA3)
A full slice of the barrel detector of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
is being tested this year with beams of pions, muons, electrons and
photons in the energy range 1-300 GeV in the H8 area of the CERN
SPS. It is a challenging exercise since, for the first time, the
complete software suite developed for the full ATLAS experiment
has been extended for use with real detector data, including
simulation, reconstruction, online and offline conditions databases,
detector and physics monitoring, and distributed analysis.
Important integration issues like combined
simulation, combined reconstruction, connection with the online
services and management of many different types of conditions data are
being addressed for the first time, with the goal of both achieving
experience on such integration aspects and of performing physics
studies requiring the combined analysis of simultaneous data coming
from different subdetectors. It is a unique opportunity to test,
with real data, new algorithms for pattern recognition, particle
tracking and identification and High Level Trigger strategies.
A relevant outcome of this combined test
beam will be a detailed comparison of Monte Carlo - based on
Geant4 - with real data. In the talk the main components of the
software suite are described, together with some preliminary results
obtained both with simulated and real data.
(I.N.F.N. ROMA3)