Miron Livny
In the 18 months since the CHEP03 meeting in San Diego, the HEP community deployed
the current generation of grid technologies in a veracity of settings. Legacy
software as well as recently developed applications was interfaced with middleware
tools to deliver end-to-end capabilities to HEP experiments in different stages of
their life cycles. In a series of data challenges, reprocessing efforts and data
distribution activities the community demonstrated the benefits distributed
computing can offer and the power a range of middleware tools can deliver. After
running millions of jobs, moving tera-bytes of data, creating millions of files and
resolving hundreds of bug reports, the community also exposed the limitations of
these middleware tools. As we move to the next level of challenges, requirements
and expectations, we must also examine the methods and procedures we employ to
develop, implement and maintain our common suite of middleware tools. The talk will
focus on the role common middleware developed by the scientific community can and
should play in the software stack of current and future HEP experiments.
M. Livny