P E. Tissot-Daguette
The AliEn system, an implementation of the Grid paradigm developed by
the ALICE Offline Project, is currently being used to produce and
analyse Monte Carlo data at over 30 sites on four continents. The
AliEn Web Portal is built around Open Source components with a
backend based on Grid Services and compliant with the OGSA model.
An easy and intuitive presentation layer gives the opportunity to the
user to access information from multiple sources in a transparent and
convenient way. Users can browse job provenance and access
monitoring information from MonaLisa repository.
The presentation layer is separated from the content layer which is
implemented via Grid and Web Services serving one or more users or
Virtual Organizations.
Security and authentication of the portal are based on the Globus
Grid Security infrastructure, OGSI::Lite and MyProxy online
credentials repository.
In this presentation the architecture and functionality of AliEn
Portal implementation will be presented.
A. Peters
L. Betev
M. Meoni
(CERN and INFN Firenze)
P E. Tissot-Daguette
P. Buncic
P. Saiz
V. Pinto Morais