Edward Moyse
The event data model (EDM) of the ATLAS experiment is presented. For large
collaborations like the ATLAS experiment common interfaces and data objects
are a necessity to insure easy maintenance and coherence of the experiments
software platform over a long period of time. The ATLAS EDM improves
commonality across the detector subsystems and subgroups such as trigger, test
beam reconstruction, combined event reconstruction, and physics analysis. The
object oriented approach in the description of the detector data allows the
possibility to have one common raw data flow. Furthermore the EDM allows the
use of common software between online data processing and offline
reconstruction. One important component of the ATLAS EDM is a common track
class which is used for combined track reconstruction across the innermost
tracking subdetectors and is also used for tracking in the muon detectors. The
structure of the track object and the variety of track parameters are
presented. For the combined event reconstruction a common particle class is
introduced which serves as the interface between event reconstruction and
physics analysis.
(CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
F. Akesson