W. Waltenberger
(Austrian Academy of Sciences // Institute of High Energy Physics)
A proposal is made for the design and implementation of a detector-independent vertex
reconstruction toolkit and interface to generic objects (VERTIGO). The first stage aims at re-
using existing state-of-the-art algorithms for geometric vertex finding and fitting by both linear
(Kalman filter) and robust estimation methods. Prototype candidates for the latter are a wide
range of adaptive filter algorithms being developed for LHC/CMS, as well as proven ones (like
ZVTOP of SLC/SLD).In a second stage, also kinematic constraints will be included for the
benefit of complex multi-vertex topologies.
The design is based on modern object-oriented techniques. A core (RAVE) is surrounded by a
shell of abstract interfaces (using adaptors for access from/to the particular environment) and a
set of analysis and debugging tools. The implementation follows an open source approach
and is easily adaptable to future standards.
Work has started with the development of a specialized visualisation tool, following the model-
view-controller (MVC) paradigm; it is based on COIN3D and may also include interactivity by
PYTHON scripting. A persistency storage solution, intended to provide a general data
structure, was originally based on top of ROOT and is currently being extended for AIDA and
XML compliance; interfaces to existing or future event reconstruction packages are easily
implementable. Flexible linking to a math library is an important requirement; at present we
use CLHEP, which could be replaced by a generic product.
Primary authors
G. Richter
(Austrian Academy of Sciences // Institute of High Energy Physics)
W. Mitaroff
(Austrian Academy of Sciences // Institute of High Energy Physics)
W. Waltenberger
(Austrian Academy of Sciences // Institute of High Energy Physics)