M. Dobson
The ATLAS collaboration had a Combined Beam Test from May until
October 2004. Collection and analysis of data required integration
of several software systems that are developed as prototypes for
the ATLAS experiment, due to start in 2007. Eleven different detector
technologies were integrated with the Data Acquisition system and were
taking data synchronously. The DAQ was integrated with the High Level
Trigger software, which will perform online selection of ATLAS events.
The data quality was monitored at various stages of the Trigger and
DAQ chain. The data was stored in a format foreseen for ATLAS and was
analyzed using a prototype of the experiments' offline software, using
the Athena framework. Parameters recorded by the Detector Control System
were recorded in a prototype of the ATLAS Conditions Data Base and were
made available for the offline analysis of the collected event data.
The combined beam test provided a unique opportunity to integrate and
to test the prototype of ATLAS online and offline software in its complete
M. Dobson