27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

The FreeHEP Java Library Root IO package

29 Sept 2004, 15:40
Brunig 1 + 2 (Interlaken, Switzerland)

Brunig 1 + 2

Interlaken, Switzerland

oral presentation Track 3 - Core Software Core Software


T. Johnson (SLAC)


The FreeHEP Java library contains a complete implementation of Root IO for Java. The library uses the "Streamer Info" embedded in files created by Root 3.x to dynamically create high performance Java proxies for Root objects, making it possible to read any Root file, including files with user defined objects. In this presentation we will discuss the status of this code, explain its implementation and demonstrate performance using benchmark comparisons to standard Root IO. We will also describe recently added support for reading files remotely using rootd and xrootd protocols. We will also show some uses of this library, including using JAS3 to analyze Root data, using the WIRED event display to visualize data from Root files and using rootd and Java servlet technology to make live plots web accessible - with examples from GLAST and BaBar. We will also explain how you can trivially make your own root data web-accessible using the AIDA Tag Library and Jakarta Tomcat.


Presentation materials