27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

LCG Generator

27 Sept 2004, 14:00
Kongress-Saal (Interlaken, Switzerland)


Interlaken, Switzerland

oral presentation Track 2 - Event processing Event Processing


Dr P. Bartalini (CERN)


In the framework of the LCG Simulation Project, we present the Generator Services Sub-project, launched in 2003 under the oversight of the LHC Monte Carlo steering group (MC4LHC). The goal of the Generator Services Subproject is to guarantee the physics generator support for the LHC experiments. Work is divided into four work packages: Generator library; Storage, event interfaces and particle services; Public event files and event database; Validation and tuning. The current status and the future plans in the four different work packages are presented. Some emphasis is put on the Monte Carlo Generator Library (GENSER) and on the Monte Carlo Generator Database (MCDB). GENSER is the central code repository for Monte Carlo generators and generator tools. it was the first CVS repository in the LCG Simulation project and it is currently distributed in AFS. GENSER comprises release and building tools for librarian and end users. GENSER is going to gradually replace the obsolete CERN library in Monte Carlo generators support. MCDB is a public database for the configuration, book-keeping and storage of the generator level event files. The generator events often need to be prepared and documented by Monte Carlo experts. MCDB aims at facilitating the communication between Monte-Carlo experts and end-users. Its use can be optionally extended to the official event production of the LHC experiments.

Primary authors

A. RIBON (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland) A. SHERSTNEV (SINP MSU, Moscow, Russia) A. VOLOGDIN (SINP MSU, Moscow, Russia) F. AMBROGLINI (Perugia University, Italy) F. MOORTGAT (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland) H. NAVES (Cantabria University, Santander, Spain) J. CUEVAS MAESTRO (Cantabria University, Santander, Spain) L. DUDKO (SINP MSU, Moscow, Russia) M. KIRSANOV (INR RAS Troitsk, Moscow, Russia) Dr P. Bartalini (CERN) S. BELOV (JINR, Dubna, Russia) S. KOROBOV (JINR, Dubna, Russia) S. MAKARYCHEV (ITEP, Moscow, Russia) V. UZHINSKY (JINR, Dubna, Russia)

Presentation materials