27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Job-monitoring over the Grid with GridIce infrastructure.

29 Sept 2004, 10:00
Coffee (Interlaken, Switzerland)


Interlaken, Switzerland

Board: 20
poster Track 4 - Distributed Computing Services Poster Session 2


G. Donvito (UNIVERSITà DEGLI STUDI DI BARI) G. Tortone (INFN Napoli)


In a wide-area distributed and heterogeneous grid environment, monitoring represents an important and crucial task. It includes system status checking, performance tuning, bottlenecks detecting, troubleshooting, fault notifying. In particular a good monitoring infrastructure must provide the information to track down the current status of a job in order to locate any problems. Job monitoring requires interoperation between the monitoring system and other grid services. Currently development and deployment LCG testbeds integrate GridICE monitoring system which measures and publics the state of a grid resource at a particular point in time. In this paper we present the efforts to integrate in the current GridICE infrastructure, additional useful information about job status, e.g. the name of job, the virtual organization to which it belongs, eventually real and mapped user who has submitted the job, the effective CPU time consumed and its exit status.


A. Pierro (INFN Bari) G. Donvito (UNIVERSITà DEGLI STUDI DI BARI) G. Maggi (INFN Bari) G. Tortone (INFN Napoli) M. Maggi (INFN Bari) N. De Filippis (INFN Bari) T. Coviello (INFN Bari)

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