27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

WIRED 4 - A generic Event Display plugin for JAS 3

30 Sept 2004, 16:30
Jungfrau (Interlaken, Switzerland)


Interlaken, Switzerland

oral presentation Track 2 - Event processing Event Processing


M. Donszelmann (SLAC)


WIRED 4 is a experiment independent event display plugin module for JAS 3 (Java Analysis Studio) generic analysis framework. Both WIRED and JAS are written in Java. WIRED, which uses HepRep (HEP Representables for Event Display) as its input format, supports viewing of events using either conventional 3D projections as well as specialized projections such as a fish-eye or a rho-Z projection. Projections allow the user to scale, rotate, position or change parameters on the plot as he wishes. All interactions are handled as separate edits which can be undone and/or redone, so the user can try out things and get back to a previous situation. All edits are scriptable by any of the scripting languages supported by JAS, such as pnuts, jython or java. Hits and tracks can be picked to display physics information and cuts can be made on physics parameters to allow the user to filter the number of objects drawn into the plot. Multiple event display plots can be laid out on pages combined with histograms and other plots, available from JAS itself or from other plugin modules. Configuration information on the state of all plots can be saved and restored allowing the user to save his session, share it with others or later continue where he left off. This version of WIRED is written to be easily extensible by the user/developer. Projections, representations, interaction handlers and edits are all services and new ones can be added by writing additional plugins. Both JAS 3 and WIRED 4 are built on top of the FreeHEP Java Libraries, which support a multitude of vector graphics output formats, such as PostScript, PDF, SVG, SWF and EMF, allowing document quality output of event display plots and histograms. References: http://wired.freehep.org http://jas.freehep.org/jas3 http://java.freehep.org


Presentation materials