27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

JASSimApp plugin for JAS3: Interactive Geant4 GUI

30 Sept 2004, 17:50
Jungfrau (Interlaken, Switzerland)


Interlaken, Switzerland

oral presentation Track 2 - Event processing Event Processing


V. Serbo (SLAC)


JASSimApp is joint project of SLAC, KEK, and Naruto University to create integrated GUI for Geant4, based on JAS3 framework, with ability to interactively: - Edit Geant4 geometry, materials, and physics processes - Control Geant4 execution, local and remote: pass commands and receive output, control event loop - Access AIDA histograms defined in Geant4 - Show generated Geant4 events in integrated event display JAS3 is the latest development of JAS, a general-purpose data analysis tool. It employs a highly modular component-based framework and allows flexible and powerful customized plugin modules. JASSimApp is a concrete implementation of its design concept, Geant4 as the problem domain. It is composed of existing interactive tools like : GAG, Gain, Momo, WIRED etc.. A new C++ class of the Geant4 interfaces category was developed to exploit multi-threaded control over Geant4 execution. The plugin modules of JAS3 reused existing classes with little modification. References: http://erpc1.naruto-u.ac.jp/~geant4/index.html ; http://jas.freehep.org/jas3 ; http://wired.freehep.org ; http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/geant4/geant4.html


E. Suzuki (Naruto University of Education) H Yoshidah (Naruto University of Education) K. Minamimoto (Naruto University of Education) K. Murakami (KEK) M. Donszelmann (SLAC) M. Nagamatsu (Naruto University of Education) M. Turri (SLAC) T. Johnson (SLAC) V. Serbo (SLAC)

Presentation materials