A. Pfeiffer
In the context of the SPI project in the LCG Application Area,
a centralized s/w management infrastructure has been deployed.
It comprises of a suite of scripts handling the building and
validating of the releases of the various projects as well as
providing a customized packaging of the released s/w. Emphasis
was put on the flexibility of the packaging and distribution
solution as it should cover a broad range of use-cases and needs,
ranging from full packages for developers in the projects and
experiments to a minimal set of libraries and binaries for specific
applications running, e.g., on grid nodes. In addition, regular
reviews of the QA analysis of the releases of the projects are
performed and fed back to the project leaders to improve the
overall quality of the software produced. The present status and
future perspectives of this activity will be presented and we
will show examples of quality improvement in the projects.