27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

A general and flexible framework for virtual organization application tests in a grid system

29 Sept 2004, 10:00
Coffee (Interlaken, Switzerland)


Interlaken, Switzerland

Board: 19
poster Track 4 - Distributed Computing Services Poster Session 2


T. Coviello (INFN Via E. Orabona 4 I - 70126 Bari Italy)


A grid system is a set of heterogeneous computational and storage resources, distributed on a large geographic scale, which belong to different administrative domains and serve several different scientific communities named Virtual Organizations (VOs). A virtual organization is a group of people or institutions which collaborate to achieve common objectives. Therefore such system has to guarantee the coexistence of different VO’s applications providing them the suitable run-time environment. Hence tools are needed both at local and central level for testing and detecting eventually bad software configuration on a grid site. In this paper we present a web based tool which permits to a Grid Operational Centre (GOC) or a Site Manager to test a grid site from the VO viewpoint. The aim is to create a central repository for collecting both existing and emerging VO tests. EachVO test may include one ore more specific application tests, and each test could include one ore more subtests, arranged in a hierarchic structure. A general and flexible framework is presented capable to include VO tests straightforwardly by means of a description file. Submission of a bunch of tests to a particular grid site is made available through a web portal. On the same portal, past and current results and logs can be browsed.

Primary authors

A. Pierro (INFN Via E. Orabona 4 I - 70126 Bari Italy) G. Donvito (INFN Via E. Orabona 4 I - 70126 Bari Italy) G. Maggi (INFN Via E. Orabona 4 I - 70126 Bari Italy) T. Coviello (INFN Via E. Orabona 4 I - 70126 Bari Italy)

Presentation materials