27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Breaking the 1 GByte/sec Barrier? High speed WAN data transfers for science

30 Sept 2004, 14:40
Harder (Interlaken, Switzerland)


Interlaken, Switzerland

oral presentation Track 7 - Wide Area Networking Wide Area Networking


Dr S. Ravot (Caltech)


In this paper we describe the current state of the art in equipment, software and methods for transferring large scientific datasets at high speed around the globe. We first present a short introductory history of the use of networking in HEP, some details on the evolution, current status and plans for the Caltech/CERN/DataTAG transAtlantic link, and a description of the topology and capabilities of the research networks between CERN and HEP institutes in the USA. We follow this with some detailed material on the hardware and software environments we have used in collaboration with international partners (including CERN and DataTAG) to break several Internet2 land speed records over the last couple of years. Finally we describe our recent developments in collaboration with Microsoft, Newisys, AMD, Cisco and other industrial partners, in which we are attempting to transfer HEP data files from disk servers at CERN via a 10Gbit network path to disk servers at Caltech's Center for Advanced Computing Research (a total distance of over 11,000 kilometres), at a rate exceeding 1 GByte per second. We describe some solutions being used to overcome networking and hardware performance issues. Whilst such transfers represent the bleeding edge of what is possible today, they are expected to be commonplace at the start of LHC operations in 2007.


D. NAE (Caltech) Prof. H. Newman (Caltech) Dr J. Bunn (Caltech) Dr S. Ravot (Caltech) X. SU (Caltech) Dr Y. Xia (Caltech)

Presentation materials