27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

ROOT Graphical User Interface

30 Sept 2004, 10:00
Coffee (Interlaken, Switzerland)


Interlaken, Switzerland

Board: 3
poster Track 3 - Core Software Poster Session 3


I. Antcheva (CERN)


The GUI is a very important component of the ROOT framework. Its main purpose is to improve the usability and end-user perception. In this paper, we present two main projects in this direction: the ROOT graphics editor and the ROOT GUI builder. The ROOT graphics editor is a recent addition to the framework. It provides a state of the art and an intuitive way to create or edit objects in the canvas. The ROOT GUI builder greatly facilitates the design, the development and the maintenance of any interactive application based on the ROOT framework. GUI objects can be selected, dragged/dropped in the widgets. An automatic code generator can be activated to save the code corresponding to any complex layout. This code can be executed via the CINT interpreter or directly compiled with the user application. Past surveys indicate that the development of a GUI is a significant undertaking and that the GUI's source code is a substantial portion of the program's overall source base. The new GUI builder in ROOT will enable the rapid construction of simple and complex GUIs.


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