C. Steenberg
(California Institute of Technology)
Clarens enables distributed, secure and high-performance access to the
worldwide data storage, compute, and information Grids being constructed in
anticipation of the needs of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. We report on
the rapid progress in the development of a second server implementation in
the Java language, the evolution of a peer-to-peer network of Clarens
servers, and general improvements in client and server implementations.
Services that are implemented at this time include read/write file access,
service lookup and discovery, configuration management, job execution,
Virtual Organization Management, an LHCb Information Service, as well as web
service interfaces to POOL replica location and metadata catalogs, MonaLISA
monitoring information, CMS MCRunjob workflow management, BOSS job
monitoring and bookkeeping, Sphinx job scheduler and Chimera virtual data
Commodity web service protocols allows a wide variety of computing
platoforms and applications to be used to securely access Clarens services,
including a standard web browser, Java applets and stand-alone applications,
the ROOT data analysis package, as well as libraries that provide
programmatic access from the Python, C/C++ and Java languages.
A. Anjum
(National University of Science and Technology, Rawalpindi)
C. Steenberg
(California Institute of Technology)
F. van Lingen
H. Newman
I. Legrand
J. Bunn
M. Thomas
(California Institute of Technology)
T. Azim
(National University of Science and Technology, Rawalpindi)