S. Nemnyugin
We report the results of parallelization and tests of the Parton
String Model event generator at the parallel cluster of St.Petersburg
State University Telecommunication center.
Two schemes of parallelization were studied. In the first approach
master process coordinates work of slave processes, gathers and
analyzes data. Results of MC calculations are saved in local files.
Local files are sent to the host computer on which the program of
data processing is started. The second approach uses the parallel
write in the common file shared between all processes. In this case
the load of a communication subsystem of the cluster grows. Both
approaches are realized with MPICH library. Some problems including
the pseudorandom number generation inparallel computations were
The modified parallel version of the PSM code includes a number of
the additional possibilities: a selection of the impact parameter
windows,the account of acceptance of the experimental setup and
trigger selection data, and the calculation of various long range
correlations between such observables as mean transverse momentum and
charged particles multiplicity.
A. Asryan
A. Zarochensev
G. Feofilov
P. Naumenko
S. Nemnyugin
V. Solodkov
V. Vechernin
V. Zolotarev