H. Newman
Wide area networks of sufficient, and rapidly increasing end-to-end
capability are vital for every phase of high energy physicists' work.
Our bandwidth usage, and the typical capacity of the major national
backbones and intercontinental links used by our field have
progressed by a factor of more than 1000 over the past decade, and the
outlook is for a similar increase over the next decade, as we enter
the era of LHC physics served by Grids on a global scale. Responding
to these trends, and the emerging need to provide rapid access and
distribution of Petabyte-scale datasets, physicists working with
network engineers and computer scientists are learning to use
networks effectively in the 1-10 Gigabit/range, placing them among
the leading developers of global networks.
In this talk I review the network requirements and usage trends, and
present a bandwidth roadmap for HEP and other fields of "data
intensive" science. I give an overview of the status and outlook for
the world's research networks, technology advances, and the problem
of the Digital Divide, based on the recent work of ICFA's
Standing Committee on Inter-regional Connectivity (SCIC).
Finally, I discuss the role of high speed networks in the next
generation of Grid systems that are now being constructed to support
data analysis for the LHC experiments.
[This is a candidate Plenary Presentation.]
H. Newman