27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Remote Shifting at the CLEO Experiment

28 Sept 2004, 10:00
Coffee (Interlaken, Switzerland)


Interlaken, Switzerland

Board: 26
poster Track 7 - Wide Area Networking Poster Session 1


The CLEO III data acquisition was from the beginning in the late 90's designed to allow remote operations and monitoring of the experiment. Since changes in the coordination and operation of the CLEO experiment two years ago enabled us to separate tasks of the shift crew into an operational and a physics task, existing remote capabilities have been revisited. In 2002/03 CLEO started to deploy its remote monitoring tasks for performing remote shifts and evaluated various communication tools e.g. video conferencing and remote desktop sharing. Remote, collaborating institutions were allowed to perform the physicist shift part from their home institutions keeping only the professional operator of the CLEO experiment on site. After a one year long testing and evaluation phase the remote shifting for physicists is now in production mode. This talk reports on experiences made when evaluating and deploying various options and technologies used for remote control, operation and monitoring e.g. CORBA's IIOP, X11 and VNC in the CLEO experiment. Furthermore some aspects of the usage of video conferencing tools by distributed shift crews are being discussed.

Primary authors

Dr H. Schwarthoff (Cornell University) Dr T. Wilksen (CORNELL UNIVERSITY)

Presentation materials