27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

CLHEP Infrastructure Improvements

30 Sept 2004, 16:50
Brunig 1+2 (Interlaken, Switzerland)

Brunig 1+2

Interlaken, Switzerland

oral presentation Track 3 - Core Software Core Software




CLHEP is a set of HEP-specific foundation and utility classes such as random number generators, physics vectors, and particle data tables. Although CLHEP has traditionally been distributed as one large library, the user community has long wanted to build and use CLHEP packages separately. With the release of CLHEP 1.9, CLHEP has been reorganized and enhanced to enable building and using CLHEP packages individually as well as collectively. The revised build strategy employs all the components of the standard autotools suite: automake, autoconf, and libtool. In combination with the reorganization, the use of these components makes it easy not only to rebuild any single package (e.g., when that package changes), but also to add new packages. This presentation will discuss the new CLHEP structure, illustrate the role and use of the autotools, and describe how other packages with similar organization can be seamlessly integrated with the CLHEP libraries.


L. Garren (F.N.A.L.)

Presentation materials