A. Sill
To maximize the physics potential of the data currently being taken, the CDF collaboration at Fermi National
Accelerator Laboratory has started to deploy user analysis computing facilities at several locations throughout
the world. Over 600 users are signed up and able to submit their physics analysis and simulation applications
directly from their desktop or laptop computers to these facilities. These resources consist of a mix of
customized computing centers and a decentralized version of our Central Analysis Facility (CAF) initially used
at Fermilab, which we have designated Decentralized CDF Analysis Facilities (DCAFs).
We report on experience gained during the initial deployment and use of these resources for the summer
conference season 2004. During this period, we allowed MC generation as well as data analysis of selected
data samples at several globally distributed centers. In addition, we discuss a migration path from this first
generation distributed computing infrastructure towards a more open implementation that will be
interoperable with LCG, OSG and other general-purpose grid installations at the participating sites.
A. Fella
(INFN, Pisa)
A. Kreymer
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
A. Sill
D. Han
(Kyungpook National University)
E. Lipeles
F. Ratnikov
(Rutgers University)
F. Wuerthwein
(University of California, San Diego)
H-T. Lung
(Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
H. Matsunaga
(University of Tsukuba)
H. Park
(Kyungpook National University/KISTI)
I. Sfiligoi
(INFN, Frascati)
K. Cho
(Kyungpook National University)
L. Groer
(University of Toronto)
M. Burgon-Lyon
(University of Glasgow)
M. Neubauer
(University of California, San Diego)
R. St.Denis
(University of Glasgow)
R. Tafirout
(University of Toronto)
S. Belforte
(INFN, Trieste)
S. Hou
(Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
S. Stonjek
(University of Oxford)
V. Bartsch
(University of Oxford)