27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Supporting the Development Process of the DataGrid Workload Management System Software with GNU autotools, CVS and RPM

30 Sept 2004, 17:10
Brunig 1+2 (Interlaken, Switzerland)

Brunig 1+2

Interlaken, Switzerland

oral presentation Track 3 - Core Software Core Software


E. Ronchieri (INFN CNAF)


We described the process for handling software builds and realeases for the Workload Management package of the DataGrid project. The software development in the project was shared among nine contractual partners, in seven different countries, and was organized in work-packages covering different areas. In this paper, we discuss how a combination of Concurrent Version System, GNU autotools and other tools and practices was organised to allow the development, build, test and distribution of the DataGrid Workload Management System. This is not only characterised by a rather high internal geographic and administrative dispersion (four institutions with developers at nine different locations in three countries), but by the fact we had to integrate and interface to a dozen of third-party code packages coming from different sources, and to the software products coming from other three development work-packages internal to the project. A high level of central co-ordination needed to be maintained for project-wide steering, and this had also to be reflected in the software development infrastructure, while maintaining ease-of-use for distributed developers and automated procedures wherever possible.


E. Ronchieri (INFN CNAF) F. Prelz (INFN Milano) R. Peluso (INFN Padova)


A. Gianelle (INFN Padova) A. Guarise (INFN Torino) A. Krenek (CESNET) A. Maraschini (Datamat Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A) A. Werbrouck (INFN Torino) B. Cantalupo (Datamat Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A.) D. Colling (Imperial College, London) D. Kouril (CESNET) F. Giacomini (INFN CNAF) F. Pacini (Datamat Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A) G. Avellino (Datamat Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A) J. Pospisil (CESNET) Mr J. Sitera (CESNET) L. Matyska (CESNET) M. Mezzadri (INFN Milano) M. Mulac (CESNET) M. Pappalardo (INFN Catania) M. Ruda (CESNET) M. Sgaravatto (INFN Padova) Mr M. Vocu (CESNET) R. Piro (INFN Torino) S. Beco (Datamat Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A.) S. Monforte (INFN Catania) Z Kabelac (CESNET) Mr Z. Salvet (CESNET)

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