Giacomo Govi
The POOL software package has been successfully integrated with the three large experiment software
frameworks of ATLAS, CMS and LHCb. This presentation will summarise the experience gained during these
integration efforts and will try to highlight the commonalities and the main differences between the
integration approaches. In particular we’ll discuss the role of the POOL object cache, the choice of the main
storage technology in ROOT (tree or named objects) and approaches to collection and catalogue integration.
A. Schaffer
A. Vaniachine
(Argonne National Lab)
C. Cioffi
(Oxford University)
D. Duellmann
D. Malon
G. Govi
H. Schmuecker
I. Papadopoulos
J. Moscicki
K. Karr
(Argonne National Lab)
M. Frank
M. Girone
P van Gemmeren
(Brookhaven National Lab)
R. Chytracek
T. Barrass
(Bristol University)
V. Innocente
W. Tannenbaum
Z. Xie
(Princeton University)