Maria Girone
This presentation will summarise the deployment experience gained
with POOL during the first larger LHC experiments data challenges
performed. In particular we discuss the storage access
performance and optimisations, the integration issues with grid
middleware services such as the LCG Replica Location Service
(RLS) and the LCG Replica Manager and experience with the POOL
proposed way of exchanging meta data (such as File Catalog catalogue
entries) in a de-coupled production system.
Primary authors
A. Vaniachine
(Argonne National Lab)
C. Cioffi
(University of Oxford)
C. Grandi
D. Duellmann
D. Malon
(Argonne National Lab)
G. Govi
H. Schmuecker
I. Papadopoulos
J. Moscicki
K. Karr
(Argonne National Lab)
L. Tuura
(Northeastern University)
M. Branco
M. Frank
M. Girone
R. Chytracek
T. Barrass
(University of Bristol)
V. Innocente
W. Tannenbaum
Z. Xie
(Princeton University)