27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

"RecPack", a general reconstruction tool-kit

30 Sept 2004, 10:00
Coffee (Interlaken, Switzerland)


Interlaken, Switzerland

Board: 11
poster Track 2 - Event processing Poster Session 3


A. CERVERA VILLANUEVA (University of Geneva)


We have developed a c++ software package, called "RecPack", which allows the reconstruction of dynamic trajectories in any experimental setup. The basic utility of the package is the fitting of trajectories in the presence of random and systematic perturbations to the system (multiple scattering, energy loss, inhomogeneous magnetic fields, etc) via a Kalman Filter fit. It also includes an analytical navigator which allows: extrapolation of the trajectory parameters (and their covariance matrix) to any surface, path length computations, matching functions (trajectory-trajectory, trajectory-measurement, etc) and much more. The RecPack tool-kit also includes the algorithms for vertex fitting via Kalman Filter, and the necessary tools for easily coding pattern recognition algorithms. In summary, "RecPack" provides all the necessary tools and algorithms that are common to any reconstruction program. In addition, a toy simulator is provided. This is very usefull to debug new reconstruction algorithms and also to perform simple physics analysis. The modularity of the package allows extensions in any direction: new propagation models, measurement types, volume and surface types, fitting algorithms, etc. I


A. CERVERA VILLANUEVA (University of Geneva) J A. HERNANDO MORATA (CERN and University of Santiago de Compostela) J J. GOMEZ CADENAS (University of Valencia)

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