27 September 2004 to 1 October 2004
Interlaken, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

IGUANA Interactive Graphics Project: Recent Developments

30 Sept 2004, 15:00
Jungfrau (Interlaken, Switzerland)


Interlaken, Switzerland

oral presentation Track 2 - Event processing Event Processing


S. MUZAFFAR (NorthEastern University, Boston, USA)


This paper describes recent developments in the IGUANA (Interactive Graphics for User ANAlysis) project. IGUANA is a generic framework and toolkit, used by CMS and D0, to build a variety of interactive applications such as detector and event visualisation and interactive GEANT3 and GEANT4 browsers. IGUANA is a freely available toolkit based on open-source components including Qt, OpenInventor (Coin3D) and OpenGL and LCG services. New features we describe since the last CHEP conference include: multi-document architecture; user interface to Python scripting; 2D visualisation with auto-generation of slices/projections from 3D data; per-object actions such as clipping, slicing, lighting or animation; correlated actions (e.g. picking) for multiple views; production of high-quality and compact vector postscript output from any OpenGL display, with surface shading and invisible surface culling (together with the gl2ps project). We compare the IGUANA rendering, memory performance, and porting issues for various platforms including: Linux on x86, Windows, and Mac OSX with its native Quartz-Extreme rendering system.


G. Alverson (NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY) G. Eulisse (NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY) I. Osborne (Northeastern University, Boston, USA) L. Taylor (NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY) L. Tuura (NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY) S. MUZAFFAR (NorthEastern University, Boston, USA)

Presentation materials