M. Sutton
The current design, implementation and performance of the ZEUS global
tracking trigger barrel algorithm are described. The ZEUS global
tracking trigger integrates track information from the ZEUS central
tracking chamber (CTD) and micro vertex detector (MVD) to obtain a
global picture of the track topology in the ZEUS detector at the
second level trigger stage. Algorithm processing is performed on a
farm of Linux PCs and, to avoid unacceptable deadtime in the ZEUS
readout system, must be completed within the strict requirements of
the ZEUS trigger system. The GTT plays a vital role in the selection
of good physics events and the rejection of non-physics background
within the very harsh trigger environment provided by the upgraded
HERA collider. The GTT barrel algorithm greatly improves the vertex
resolution and the track finding efficiency of the ZEUS second level
trigger while the mean event processing latency and throughput are
well within the trigger requirements. Recent running experience with
HERA production luminosity is briefly discussed.
M. Sutton